Hola!, Sup!, Hello!, Hiya! Theres many words for Hi! There's some things in the group that you might want to see...
I have puted in some posts in the group if you wish to look.
XD i understanded that! im not the guy who gets pissed off once somebody says that XD in fact... i founded that entertaining!
Sorry if it's not quite what you invisioned!! (Oh and don't takwe offence, that was supposed to be a joke.)
This will do fine! untill something better comes! But that'll be long before it comes! Thanks!
OMFG!! It's super nice!! however there's 2 small problems... 1: the big ''A'' is not wanted... however i can be an big ''A'' but not too big then... 2: the quote you puted in will be nice... however i would like to have my quote to! And if you make these i'll Rep+ you! thanks!
I say... It was better than the last one you did... But i think it's not enough... try re-read my question at the Avatar-Signature Thread... Use my signature... But put in the avatar and the quote that i says on the thread... Thank you for atleast trying!
That's allright for me! and ye... i will put you in ''Red''. and yea... Put the last of the my you know this... Big Brother Alther Primus! i forgot about teh!
And I see you tried to put me in purple, try red, It's as evil as I am EDIT: Can I customise your CURRENT sig for my own purposes?
Done! XD Dude! I see you puted in me in ''Red'' colour... but i turns out that im not visible at all! try... ''Black'' instead
No prob! Also, I'll be your "Soul-devouring, void-controlling, world-destroying younger brother, Rebellion!"
Ah! stupid me XP well... of course what i can say whats missing... For the first if you look at my signature im using now... Now that's chaosic! But the signatures missing something... I probarly want it more boarder... But yeah... its missing quotes and others... Thank you for listening!
May I ask what you mean by "Way to less chaos"? Do you mean you want less? oe there's to little? Also, Question, did you like the consept of using bloody steel for the first letter in your name? if not I can change that.
And BTW... Put me in your TFF family as... My founder of Solar Plexus and the chaosic nightmare himself Alther Primus! and i put in you... tell me what i should be...
Quite good... but to less chaos... And... Buddy! It's ALTHER! let me spell it for you too... A-l-t-h-e-r and after that P-r-i-m-u-s However... It sure is nice... But as i said... WAAAAAAAAAY to less chaos... and... to less colours... Try using my signature an customize it...