Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. My set-up:

    Offensive Abilities:
    Bravery Attacks
    Sonic Buster(a charging tackle)
    Hop Step(short range slash)
    Cut & Run(back off and charge forward, follow up with Quick Hit)
    Wither Shot(throw Blitzball, initiates Chase)
    Full Slide(charging tackle in mid-air)
    Stick & Move(in mid-air, back off, and toss weapon forward, follow up with Quick Hit)

    HP Attacks
    Spiral Cut(spinning approach, prevents opponents from falling off ledges(USUALLY!!!!)
    Energy Rain(jump on enemy, and release energy with an impact)
    Charge & Assault(Slice & Dice)(Rush opponent from mid-air with six slashes)
    Jecht Shot (Kick Blitzball at enemy three times. High chance of wall-rush.)

    Basic Abilities
    Ground Evasion
    Midair Evasion
    Ground Block
    Midair Block
    Aerial Recovery
    Free Air Dash
    Multi-Air Slide +
    Speed Boost ++
    Jump Boost ++
    Jump Times Boost ++
    Controlled Recovery
    Midair Evasion Boost
    Always Target Indicator
    Ex Core Lock On
    Evasion Time Boost
    Precision Jump
    First Strike
    Exp to Ex Force
    Equip Heavy Armor

    Grand Slam(finally got it! )
    Grand Helm
    Genji Armor

    Supreme Gem
    Goddess's Magicite
    Victory Chance
    Summon Unused
    Noah's Lute
    Rabbit's Foot
    Back-Breaking Straw

    Moogle(why not? )

    HP - 9999
    CP - 450
    BRV - 878
    ATK - 174
    LUK - 84
    DEF - 184

    Alternate Look

    There, that's my gist. How about you?
  2. Well, I figured I've got my own guy to worry about so... *sigh* If only I'd gotten a Fayth's Dream instead... -_- 0-Form Particle Beam is very useful, it has fairly good range. Ultimecia can definitely be a nuisance with just Knight's Sword(uncharged).

    I find his "You'll be well-done!" fire attack to be almost unavoidable at close range. I've been able to stop his Forsaken Null plenty of times. The spheres takes time to track you, and even longer if you Free Air Dash.

    Not sure, but it still seems retarded to say the least. And there are few places in the game that give more than 4000 Exp.

    I still think Golbez has the best. Keep your distance, and within about 9 seconds, the Bravery Pool is yours!

    Shantotto? At first I didn't know how it worked. I pressed the button twice, and that's how it's supposed to happen. You know how to get a Perfect, right?

    I need to see mine. Last I checked, I was SSS, and Extreme. I was once Vicious, but in recent days, I've been more... focused on keeping an eye on things.

    Okay, maybe this will explain it better. Here's my overall set-up. It's subject to change, MAYBE.

    Continue to Page 2 -
  3. Well, you won't need it if you don't ever plan on using Luny. Although, you should use him, because he is incredibly good. And I just now realize that Ultimecia and Cloud of Darkness are holders are the cheapest Bravery attacks and HP attacks, respectively. Knight's Blade and Knight's Arrow have such great accuracy! And Cloud of Darkness's (0-Form) Particle Beam is so great!

    His Blizzaga is almost unavoidable, and Forsaken Null is incredibly cheap.

    That's some stupid status gains there. Did they do that on purpose?

    Yup. I read through all the abilities of each character. Time Crush is almost godly if you keep your range. You can move while casting it, and once an enemy is frozen in time, Apocalypse or Shockwave Pulsar will hunt them down.

    And she can use three spells in one cycle, causing even more Bravery damage. plus, she has the easiest Ex Burst to use. You just have to press every option twice.

    That's pretty much why I got Tactician rank instead of Valiant anymore. Onion Knight is fast, and fast characters are great at dodging, so that's what I made him do. Plus, she's really short, so some attacks that would normally hit taller characters will only breeze across the tip of his helmet.

    I'll have to look at the video, then.
  4. He doesn't follow up with Swordshower, he just finishes the combo. So, you don't attack with wild abandon? Instead, you lure the opponent into attacking and missing? Even better if they use an HP attack?

    Hmm, how to explain mine. This is CLOSE to me, although I trick to get Stick & Move more.
    YouTube - -Dissidia English- Tidus Versus The Emperor -KajiukRaid- (Adhoc Party)
    In Chase Battles, I always watch for HP attacks, more so than Bravery Attacks. I try to use Spiral Cut more than anything, and Jecht Shot works when the opponent is busy MISSING me. Also, I try to see if I can block and follow with a combo. Usually, I can Break my opponents.
  5. It's still a lot. BTW, I got an Onion as a component last night.

    Kefka's IS powerful, but Kuja's Ultima is so good, especially when the opponent is busy MISSING you.

    Because, up until then, the stats go no higher than 15. FIFTEEN out of a possible 99. When it gets to 93, SUDDENLY, it starts improving. By 99, all stats are maxed out.

    Kuja casts spells when jumping in Ex Mode, like he leaves Flare Bombs. Hmm... Terra can double-cast her spells, too. HP attacks like Tornado and even Ultima can be cast twice. Also... as before I mentioned the special abilities during Ex Mode? Here they are:
    Black Fang(Golbez) - Instantly Break the opponent, long charge time.
    Goblin Punch(Bartz) - Long ranged HP attack.
    Heartless Angel(Sephiroth) - Drops the opponent's BP to 1, long charge time.
    Time Crush(Ultimecia) - Completely immobilize opponent for a short time. Useful for activating Ex Burst.

    Yeah, some of those are really destructive!
  6. Oh, and take a look at something interesting I found: YouTube - Onion Knight vs Sephiroth Dissidia Gameplay What I want to say is this: watch it before he starts casting Blizzard. Before that part, his fighting style is exactly the same as mine. So much that it's scary. Now you know how I fight. =P I haven't watched it all, though. Does he dodge on the ground and then rush in with a Multi-Hit followed by Swordshower?
  7. No, I made my Onion Sword form nothing. I didn't realize that the Onion needed 4 Megalixirs and not 3, so after I got so happy getting the "right" amount of materials, I had to go back and get even more Megalixirs!

    Breaking, you mean? Or what job? If it is, Kefka is a master at that!

    Why level 93? Such an odd number. It's not even prime.

    I don't think any other characters get double-sized spells in Ex Mode, right? Shantotto gets amazingly huge ones, but that's only if her Bravery's from 6,999~9,999.
  8. You're lucky, I have to do it the hard way!

    Hmm... I have a good target. Back to battling ghosts, I guess. BTW, I find Kuja to be able to do the job VERY well. Ultima is so cheap to use.

    Well, it's retarded in this game, you need a "Friend Code", something I don't know how to do. THEN wait like 8 hours, then do some secret mission, or something. Besides, the job is useless until Level 93.

    Haha, too right.
  9. My Onion Sword took forever!

    Well, I think it was from the level 100 Onion Knight. He has a Royal Crown, and the Cat-Ear Hood is one of the items that can make the circlet, required for the Royal Crown. Actually, I think a lot of characters have the Royal Crown. Just find one.

    How does the Mognet thing work in that game?

    And in my opinion, he is by far the best at Breaking in his Ninja job!
  10. Oh yeah, total pain.

    Component? Item drop? WHO!?

    Equip everything, except exclusive weapons. But, probably you'll never see it in the game. Why? Well... one word: Mognet.

    It's so easy, it's cheap!
  11. Well, all the Elixirs, not just THE Elixir.

    Luckily, I got a Cat-Ear Hood as a drop, so I'm lucky. =]

    Yeah, I know. =P What does the Onion Knight job get anyway? Any good abilities or just the equip everything thing?

    Yep! =D I think Luny has the easiest Ex Burst ever.
  12. I got plenty in the Falcon course... -_-

    Cat-ear Hood, huh? Let's see...

    Well, the game has the job system, he can be anything really. Knight, Black Mage, and Onion Knight.

    Oh well, at least it looks nice.
  13. I hate getting Elixirs. It takes so much time!

    You can get it through trading. Get a Wyvern Wing and it should appear in the shop. Oh, and you need the Cat-Ear Hood, and a bunch of other stuffs, too.

    I know of Ingus. The Red Mage character? Still, the Onion Knight in Dissidia... <3<3<3<3<3

    The move is pathetic for an Ex Burst.
  14. Yep, but only 2. A lot of things came out of nowhere... -_-

    Where can I get a Ribbon? I'm getting excited.

    Hmm... if you played the first two games, it's the same thing, random battle system. No voices, but it's in 3-D. Also, the CoD is very different, alot of character are, actually. And the reason why it's Onion Knight instead of Luneth is because, in the NES game, there were no characters, just four random OKs that you name, and they really don't have personalities. In this game, it's slightly improved, but not much. A character, Ingus, he's the best.

    Brink of Delusion is pretty HARD, huh? I mean, I just CANNOT escape. Especially, when I'm already outside the circles! URGH!!!!!!!
  15. I forget: is the Bahamut's Wing made from Megalixirs, too? I know it's one of the Elixirs, most likely the Megalixir after all.

    Not just those. You need a Ribbon and something else, too. I have the other two things, so now I just need the 99 Transmogridusts. And Time Attack pits you up against ten level 100 character with summons. You have to beat them, and if you lose, the time you took counts if you retry. They go like this: Sephiroth, Golbez, Cloud, Tidus, Terra, Jecht, Ultimecia, Cloud of Darkness, Zidane, Chaos. They aren't too hard if you're fast, though. But I always take about 15 minutes to finish it.

    Is it incredibly fun?

    But he doesn't hit me, anyway - not with HP attacks, at least. I got hit with his swirling Bravery attacks. But Divine ???, that one is near impossible to dodge. I think you're suppose to block it or something?
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