Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. No, I didn't but now it must be Sora! x(

    *hugs* It's gonna be okay...
  2. Huh? You DIDN'T spoil yourself then? (Make up your mind. )

    Ugh... >.<
  3. Wait, are you saying it is! Thanks a lot, Ralz... Damn... I made a joke that's true?

    I know...
  4. You didn't already spoil yourself did you? oO

    This is far worse than the wait for KHII...
  5. I'm guessing that it's, and this is just a guess: no-one, or this'll be funny: Sora? Haha!

  6. You'll never guess who Vanitas is, ever. o_O

    Speculation heavily draws upon a mid-May release date. That's SO long away...
  7. *Prays to the gods* Please, give us a release date! :'(
  8. I've gone and spoiled myself to the brim, I couldn't take it. But its so confusing, its like 50% spoiler, 50% confusion. Regardless, I need me a release date!
  9. Soooooo bored... x( And I keep seeing new videos about the Japanese BBS! =(
  10. Apparently so! xD
  11. Arrgh, maties?
  12. You R A PIRATE! xD
  13. Well that's absolutely brilliant! Great news!
  14. Good news! BBS is selling like crazy in Japan. Not only that, but almost all user reviews have been 5-star!

    I knew it'd be a hit! I just might be the best KH game yet!
  15. Good... o_O
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