Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Hmmm... What kind fo theme... boss theme? Im really good at finding those...
  2. hey! What do you think about everyone having a theme? Seperate from tha Anthem of course!
  3. L...O...L... Lol!
  4. Errrk!!
    Too fast!
  5. Are you tired...? I have already looked at it! XD lol... im way to quick are i?
  6. LOL! Anyway, I just made a couple of posts in the main groups, if you wanna go check them out.
  7. OMG! (O Rly?) *Generic anime pose*
  8. Hey! I made a post in Ryu's Living room that I thought you should know about!
  9. Hmmmmm... Might I ask that everyone in Chaostroph have a Personal theme that they can choose and change anytime? Lemme know through VM or make a discussion about it if you say yes please!
  10. Oh that? I will of course clean it up myself... I am maybe an Lord who knows how to be Lazy... But i really is not Lazy!
  11. Yep! But what if it's your pet?
  12. No prob! One thing however... If your pets leave Poop in my bedroom! I'll be yelling at you guys to clean it up! Am i perfectly clear?
  13. Thanks for letting us have pets! Heck, thanks for making the group!
  14. Nothing like...
  15. What's up lord Alther?
Showing Visitor Messages 1186 to 1200 of 1276
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