I'm guessing you do well with assholes like me because you seem to have a very good sense of humor, which automatically makes you better, in every way, shape, and form, than every other mod that I've spoken to on this forum (that's right, all two of them.) The amount of rain isn't the worst part. It's the amount of mud. I can't go outside without getting my shoes filthy. It's on again off again thunderstorms for the next ten days, but there are at least six with clear skies and no rain. I hope the weather where you live is better.
That's what annoys me. People think that just because I'm a sarcastic asshole, that if I'm suddenly being friendly, I must have an alternative motive. So judgmental. I'm doing better now than I was a few days ago. It's been raining nonstop for the past two months, and finally there's a break, and my sinuses are returning to normal. It's the first day in about a week that I haven't taken any medication. Thank you for asking.
Do people seem unfriendly on here to you? I asked a couple of mods how they were doing, but instead of answering, they deleted my messages. By the way, how are you doing? I forgot to ask.
You would be great if you were the boss around here. Unfortunately, there's only one boss anywhere. That would be Mr. Bruce Springsteen. He's the boss of me, you, and everyone. Of course, if he were to write a song about you, or if he already has, then that would change everything.
That one comment that you left on Feyz's page was a little self centered. Who do you think you are trying to tell people that they "need to run things by you?" What, you think you're the boss around here or something? If you said something like that in my neighborhood, you'd get hit right in your plica semilunaris.
You're high in authority. You should be able to be offensive whenever you want, especially to people with little or no authority. Why do you think FBI agents are always pricks to state cops? You disappoint me.
Let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's reading, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
I agree. Seriously, the poor kid is begging you. If some starving kid came up to you on the street, begging for food and the re-opening of the thread, wouldn't you do both? What if Keldric has terminal cancer, and his last wish is to have the thread re-opened? Wouldn't you do it then, or would you deny the dying boy his last pleasure in life?
I have a funny story (okay, so it's not that funny, but too bad, because I'm telling it anyway.) I was in the shower bathing, thinking about a whole bunch of things that don't make sense, like most ideas that I have, but I won't get into that. Then, for some reason, I thought about "parties are a pretty effective laxative" (what you said.) And then it hit me. You were making a joke about a literal party pooper, such as somebody who takes a dump at a party. It's funny now that I understand it. I should really try to stop taking everything literally.
I guess it's an effective laxative if there are laxatives at the party. Other than that, your statement makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm just saying.
I wouldn't dare troll the President of Turkey. You're just a party pooper.
You know, the funny thing is, I left that message, then about ten minutes later, I deleted it because I didn't want to bother you, and that was before you had a chance to see it. How did you know I left a message? Is that S-Mod magic?