Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. How do you say it? I've got doo-oh-deh-sim. I can't wait!

    It's extremely powerful, and its quick access to Fever Pitch. Using it on bosses will get you killed, though...

    As for me, I'll be too busy with Birth by Sleep. I need at least a month with my Kingdom Hearts games before I can return to society. I learned its impossible to get the secret ending video without playing the ghastly Fruitball, so I've decided to use my second memory card, and all the files on it will be Proud Mode. I must earn it myself! No YouTube.

    I also plan on making all three characters level 99, get all the items, find all the Unversed, learn all abilities, and defeat Vanitas Lingering Spirit and Mysterious Figure with all three characters. Essentially, I will do everything but play Fruitball, that abomination.
  2. I can say it very easily! xD No, but this is excellent news! Thanks, Ralz! =D

    Oh, and that move is broken, isn't it? It pwns!
  3. Dude, did you hear about Dissidia 2? It's been confirmed. And it's got Lightning! Probably the wierdest name ever, though. Still can't pronouce it.

    Dissidia: Duodecim Final Fantasy playable at TGS, first screens released | Joystiq

    Also, Kain is onboard. I wonder who else they'll have...
  4. Ven and Aqua can get it by melding a mastered Stopga and Aerial Slam. Aqua also gets a freebie one in Neverland.
  5. How'd you obtain Time Splicer? =O
  6. I finally lucked out and beat him after about 100 deaths. If you're having trouble, I can guide you through somewhat. I can tell you that Shotlocks are NOT the answer.
  7. VLS was hard at first, but watching the youtube battles helped me cheat. But the MF was HELL and that's putting it calmly.
  8. You use Ven, too? My deck is Time Splicer, Faith, Sonic Blade, Wind Raid, Zero Graviga, and Magnega. Have you tried TS? Its BROKEN!
  9. I have to type in short messages on the PSP.
  10. DUDE!!! I beat Vanitas Lingering Spirit and the mystery boss!
  11. I got the game, completed Ven's story straight away! On to Terra's! BEST GAME EVAR! I LURVES IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!

    Oh, and I have Faith, Ars Arcanum, Salvation and Mega-Flare in my command deck! =D
  12. *cannot... keep away... from BBS...*

    You currently don't exist.
  13. Yay, our trailer's here, and it kicks ASS.

    YouTube - 08.26.2010: Birth by Sleep Promo.
  14. I need needing. There's an ATB bar??? Apparently the game is easier with lower levels than with higher ones.

    They're everywhere... (Fufufufufu...) Maybe we can get his world.

    They can't bear to lose him. He's trapped in Nomura's grip. I think I forgot what we were talking about. oO Ooh, give me your money. =)

    Nut sandwich. (Worse???)

    Well, destroy the game if you can, you'll be spared a worse fate. I feel bad, I'm doomed to play as an emo, AGAIN. ><

    That uplifts many people. (With the occasion spirit booster.)

    Good thing he can't find out.

    BTW, YouTube - 08.20.2010: Birth by Sleep final-er trailer.!
  15. Sure, do that if need be! I've always said I've needed you, right? I know what you mean but the ATB bar is actually pretty fast. I'd like more characters and choice though. AND I WANT TO PLAY AS ME! x'( Junctioning takes some getting used to. I'm already at Ultimecia's Castle in one of my saves with a level 100 Squall! xD I just never knew how to break the seals... ¬¬'

    When my mum's shopping, I do everything I can. I take a shower and stuff like that... I never feel comfortable when people are in the house and I'm showering... Says you indeed! (*grinds*) And I want you in my world~!

    That would be SO amazing... Shame that SE must bring him back each time. I bet the conversation goes like this: CEO: OMG, we're low on funds! CEO2: Let's makes a cash in~! CEO: Great idea! Sephy, come here! *Sephiroth comes in with a stick up his arse and whip marks* They brutalise him... Even he wants to die! xD God, I could watch this ALL night... *stares* Well, I'd rather be given money at dinner but go ahead! x'D

    Gobbling nuts! (EVEN WORSE! xD )

    No International version here... ='( It's on my Xbox, not my PS3 I'm afraid... (Who be that character, huh?) Well, we can beg but come on, it's never going to happen.

    That crushes people's hearts?

    Oh, of course... He still has my... -_-'
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