BRETT go to SOLDIER and make a SOLDIER baby
I am laughing right now.
I will hug the living **** out of you and surprise make out with you. Take that rocky
I do, actually. Thanks for bringing that up. still want to?
Hey, remember that time when you asked if I wanted to have a threesome? That was pretty cool.
you look hot as **** in that picture of you and your car. take me for a ride.
you're phallic
Hahaha that's so phallic.
whatthe****ever, I'm so relieved.
Got yo text, didn't know if it was too late to text you back. LOL@the lookalike. I think less of this guy now, I thought he was ultra persistent. How disappointing!
Dooooooooooooo me. I will take the latest album title you have on TFF as my answer.
ck yoouuuuuuuuu
Hahahaha Goddamnit. That's misleading.