Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Unknown Entity

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh... Lol ^^ i dont have one yet lol
  2. Noes... I have the 40GB, and you can only play PS1 and PS3 games on it. =/
  3. Well on PS3 cant you play all 3 of them? PS1,PS2 AND PS3?
    Cuz legend of dragoon is on PS1 ^^;;
  4. I'm not all into getting PS2 games anymore - I rarely play it since I got my PS3. =[
  5. Yep ^^ Thought it would fit my Avatar....
    If you have a PS2 try and find a game called Legend of dragoon. It kick's ass ^^
    But that suck's that you cant play it =( Cuz that's a great FF
  6. Ahh... I'm screwed then. =[

    A name change?
  7. Yea it's pretty good ^^ It's only on Supernintendo.
    And on GBA.
  8. I've not played FFVI yet... is it good?
  9. nothin much just playing FF VI while searching the forums
  10. Bug? WHERE?! *hides*

    Kidding. ^^
    Nothing much... just lurking... =]
  11. hi! Just want to bug you!
    So whatcha doin?
  12. Oh, lol
  13. He was pulling a funny face lmao! XD

    Both of them were. XD
  14. Lol your welcome ^^ that would be cool ^^ that guy on the right of you in that picture, look's kinda happy XD
  15. Do I really lmao? Okies, I'll take more photos of me at college, sitting on the floor while I'm playing cards then. XD

    Hehe, thankies. XD
Showing Visitor Messages 106 to 120 of 165
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