Conversation Between Meier Link and Victoria

142 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha I see a fail moment left by you on my thanks or should I say no thanks. To respond to that I will quote you when dealing with him. "They just have to be fully thought out." Nothing he has said on this forum is full or thought out. He has ran a much through this forum and no one really has said anything to him. Then again he probably wouldn't listen anyways.

    Whats up with calling me a Nazi all the time now?
  2. Hey, why'd you close that noob's thread? o_O;
  3. Haha, wow. >.<
    Sounds like you were really busy, haha. I wonder how much money you'll be pulling in. XD
  4. I was planning on doing it all this weekend, been busy as hell with RL. I will also try and get my sig maker thread open sometime this weekend also.

    Pulled 15+ hours yesterday, 9 for the rest of the week and looking at atleast 6 tomorrow and possibly Sunday. Sucks but the money is going to be nice.
  5. Don't forget the homework for BAU too. =P
    If you're still interested in the club, anyway. XD
  6. I left him a VM.
  7. I just called your noob out.
  8. Ah, okay. That's cool then. XD
  9. That is what I was actually hoping to accomplish by giving that guy to him. He seems like a legit poster so I don't think Fish will have to much work cut out for him.
  10. Lol except Fish doesn't go to TFF anymore. XD
    He lurks, but.. that's all he does. =P

    He says he's going to check in a lot more often now though. =p
  11. My opinion, for what it is worth, is no. I think people have just got tired of reguritating the same thing. I think it will pick back up soon.
  12. Heya. Did I kill the Council? =P
  13. Not much, really. Just street fighter 4. =D
  14. Thanks, I must say your color pallet kicks ass too. Haven't talked to you in a while what have you been up to?
  15. Whoa. That's awesome. nice color. And the logo fits very nicely. =D
Showing Visitor Messages 106 to 120 of 142
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