Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Yes, Its possible to just make a portal, and entering it, Can immediately initiate the boss battle and everything, Tougher? Not sure about that really.

    Just to mention, Its possible to even upgrade the materials, Like using materials to get different kind of materials... Materialception!!

    If you mean raising stats outside of synthesis, We can use "Seeds" items that boost that permament stat of the character by using on them, like mentioned before, If you did mean about the synthesis...

    Well, We can as i mentioned, Make sure that there are 3 different basic upgrades or something, One that bolsters STR, SPD... VIT and what not...
  2. Its possible, But not refight them by rewinding the clock or something, But i can create an place in the game where you can refight all the bosses, We can just call it an alternate dimension.

    Also... you are misunderstanding me... I cannot make components or materials that boosts specific stats, As i said, The upgrades is on the finished weapons, not the materials.

    But yes, I can combine a Synthesized weapon with a Blank one, But that will only result into an entirely new weapon, So its not possible to transfer stats into another weapon...

    Also not really, A single "recipe" only teaches how to make that weapon which is listed on it, A single "recipe" cannot offer more than 1 result, In which case... We need more different kinds of recipes.
  3. Can you refight bosses? Like some kinda rematch device or something? Or is that not possible?

    Maybe the stat upgrades weaken after a certain number of uses. Like, the first upgrade is like, Strength +10. Then after so many upgrades, it becomes Strength +5, or just straight down to Strength +1. Those are just guesstimated numbers. I imagine the real upgrades will probably be much bigger and more worth the effort. But if you want, weapons can have upgrade limitations. Can you combine a synthesized weapon with a blank weapon to transfer the stats?

    I see, so accessories should have a single, balanced effect. Alright.

    Alright, then. I guess Recipes will just have to come in spades throughout the game. Can recipes offer more than one result to utilize? Like a "Basic Elemental" recipe teaches how to add fire, ice and thunder properties?
  4. The new weapon will of course have increased stats. We can probably settle with just putting an "plus mark" (+) or something.

    The rare materials are to be gotten as rare drops or definite drops from... Bosses and maybe rare enemies. But thats just part of the challenge.

    Yes, The latter weapon transform into a new one, And i can keep upgrading the weapon further and further, Until there is an end, But dont make upgrades to big, Maybe just 3 upgrades to most weapons, And thats standard ones... There are special upgrades.

    Not really, I cannot boost certain types of effects by that way, Dont give to complicated effects either. And yes, the latter item disappears, to be replaced with an stronger varient of it (depending on the recipe).

    Actually, You cannot combine items, AT ALL if you dont have the recipe, So randomly trying to make shit will lead nowhere, You will NEED the recipe in making an item.
  5. So, what results is a "new" weapon with the increased stats? Okay. If it can be synthesized again, there's really no problem. It'll just become Barong + or something.

    Like, they use super rare materials that can only be obtained from difficult enemies or from side quests? (This sorta reminds me of Dream Drop Distance, where there are these Special Portals, and if you beat the battle, you get a material. Some materials can ONLY be obtained this way, leading to frustration.)

    So, again, it becomes a new weapon? No problem. Maybe an Unleash makes it Barong ++. But, it's still possible to increase stats, yes? Does that mean having materials devoted to increasing those stats won't work?

    Neat, but items will probably remain the same. Can you boost the effect of accessories? Like increase the Item Proficiency of the Philosopher's Stone from 50% to 75%? And, can they be increased multiple times as well? (They probably also turn into new items?)

    Interesting for you to say that, because I was thinking the same thing. You'd get plenty of recipes, of course, from chests and such. Some require a little more work, so we'll have to balance out what recipes won't break the game at that point. But, there isn't a trial and error part, where you combine materials without knowing the combination to experiment? Again, Dream Drop Distance had this feature, where you can select one material, then check all the others to see if it creates a Dream Eater. So, none of that? Not a HUGE loss, but the sense of adventure in this prospect is lost.
  6. Yes, the person can Uncurse you, for a little fee of course.

    Not exactly, I cannot make materials of some sort that simply changes the weapon by boosting its stats but still remains to be the same weapon, I can only transform the current weapon into a new Synthesized one, Though you can Synthesis again with the Synthesized weapon for further upgrades.

    Im not saying Ultimate/Cursed weapons cannot be synthesized, They can, be the requirements for their upgrades are considerly MUCH harder to meet with, Maybe because of rare materials and such.

    And again, Likewise up there, I cannot use a Material, to give the current weapon an "Unleash" without changing the weapon overally, You'll have to transform the weapon into a ENTIRELY new one, In order for it to recieve one "Unleash". Also to note this, "Unleashes" and "Stats Boost" doesnt exist in the Materials, They exist already in the weapon you are "trying" to make.

    And yes, Armors, Acessories, Headgear and etc, All items can be Synthesized, Even regular items, So if you wanna improve Potions or something, Just meet the requirements.

    Now im just telling this... Because this is important to know, You cannot make a weapon/item right away even if you got the legitimate materials, You need the "Recipe" of the item as well in order to follow it and make it.
  7. Or the guy in charge uncurses you?

    Could you, for example, use a material that adds a raw 10% to Stength or something? Can a weapon only be synthesized once or can they be fused again? This could have potential, but perhaps we should scrap weapon purchases altogether. If one can "make" their own weapons, all we need to do is supply basic "clean" weapons ready for such synthesis. Although, the materials needed to make it super-awesome will, naturally, require some hard work.

    That's what I thought would happen, and with replaceable weapons, it's not that big of a deal. Maybe some weapons (i.e. cursed and ultimate weapons) can't be synthesized, but they very clearly have some of the best you can find. (Maybe weapon fusions can only raise stats so high. Maybe there should be limitations.)

    I'm thinking that this "Secret material" would add an Unleash depending on what the weapon is. It's not entirely random, though there could be more than one result for a weapon. (There'd just be a select number of Unleashes that could be added to it.) And once it's added, you just have to try it out and see if it's what you want. Granted, I can see all of this leading to player raging, but RPGs are built around this kinda stuff, I suppose.

    This all reminds me of FFX's customization system. Can armor be affected in the same way? We can even use accessories as material bases, given their effects.
  8. Dont worry, Weapons that are "Cursed" doesnt mean they're extremely awful, They are fairly strong for their power, Though the inability of removing them once equiped until you can purify yourself can be easily fixed, We can have "Church" places sell "Holy Water" or something to remove these, For a pretty cheap price if there is need.

    For the triangle of basic simple upgrade choises, Its not going be damage multipying, The current weapon, Transform into another one, Not remaining to be the same one... Also the damage buff, Will probably be just... I dunno. Between 20-50% better than it was before.

    But you cannot randomly attach Fire Element on a weapon like the form of "Materia" system. And then removing it... Once you make a weapon, the latter weapons disappears, and the components created for it as well, No takey-backsies.

    As for Unleashes, Yes you are correct, When a character performs an "Normal Attack" they can potentially randomly by percentage perform the Weapons "Unleash" skill, See it as an better form of attack but yeah... All weapons doesnt have it, But like i said above, You cannot randomly remove it like the "Materia" system, Its stuck on the weapon... If you dont like it, Change weapon.

    Though, You could use Synthesis, Upgrade an weapon, And then by then, When it usually didnt have an Unleash, I can make sure its Upgrade does have one, But Unleashes are "hidden" you dont get to know which weapons has one, But dont take it for random chance.
  9. We shouldn't have too many weapons, because they DO need names. And with eight characters (now that Dimitri will also probably receive multiple weapons), that's about 100+.

    Not sure if I like the idea of cursed weapons. Even if they're better than what you currently have equipped, unless you know how to uncurse it, when something even better comes along, you can't use it. Unless you're informed early on about how to uncurse them. But even then, an informed player will likely steer clear of anything with "CURSED" in it's name.

    I like that idea, but what would the damage multiplier be? 2x? It shouldn't be too high, because element weakness can go up to 2x and there the critical hits inflict 3x. What is that... 12x damage? o_O Although, that's probably only possible with Synthesis. Like, adding fire element to a weapon, and the enemy type advanatge of whatever enemy is both that enemy type and weak to fire. AND you score a critical hit. That all seems... strategic, I suppose, but it isn't going to be too complicated, right? The synthesis system in Tales of Graces f was pretty confusing, with varying properties, rank, hidden abilities...

    As for Unleashes, maybe Synthesis can "add" them? I'm just not sure about these hidden skills. Like, I get the random and "wow" factor you spoke of, but does EVERY weapon have them? And how would I implement them? Elyon attacks, then attacks again randomly? And when do they activate, just during normal attacks? Are they like the Lightbringer from FFVI, which randomly casts Holy? I can make a few effects, but nothing terribly innovative. And the ultimate weapons have innate effects that simply enhance your battle prowess and don't possess any unleashes, at least not yet. I composed a list of synthesis ingredients recently (which was promptly scrapped). In it, I had Secret materials, which added abilities like Unleashes or something else to it.

    You could just visit google and look up threads of people asking for weapon names. It's where I got most of my ideas, although there was a little tweaking on my part.
  10. Usually, We can have weapons who are both of these you considered, Some which are just upgrades and others with, something negative to it for its power; Hence why we could go with so called; Cursed weapons. Equipping one of those prevents you from ever removing it again from a character...

    Not sounding great right? But you can remove the weapon with a Special Item to "purify" the character, thus enabling the weapon to be removed.

    Also, We can just build some weapons, Who might not be strong, But are effective against certain enemies; Like; Pride Cutter who is effective against Wolves and of the likes. Thats possible.

    Also, For the synthesis, techniquely, We can use it to improve an weapon, into a better varient of it, Or we could have a split system in which weapon it can transform into;

    Like, One varient which is stronger in STR, one which fortifies SPD, one which increases DEF... A split varient in which you can choose... Though you could also make the "Balanced" version of it as well, Which is good in all areas, but not typically stronger than the one, which would have fortified STR or whatever...

    Of course, There should be some unique weapons as well, which are created by other components unlike these upper typical upgrades... Also, all weapons cannot be upgraded, But Cursed ones can as well, Also, you could maybe Bless them, turning from Negative pollarity weapons into Positive.

    Its just how i see it, You could tinker the idea to work with you, But know this... I cannot randomly generate weapon names, Like a typical "chance" and "luck" system, in which you get like; "Godly Flimsy Pride Cutter". That... i cannot do.
  11. Thinking about it, it doesn't really make sense. Why would Elyon, who's essentially allowed these people to be his tour guides and battle partners, suddenly turn on them for no real reason? It's just not what I want anymore, now that I've thought about it some more. Shira is more appropriate, though Elyon's fate won't change, I think. Now, as for how Dimitri meets the same fate...

    Well, details such as selling price and how you obtain it can come later. But I still have problems properly balancing them, considering there's only a handful of towns to visit. Of course, they're treasure chests, and as you say, monster drops, but I'm not sure how to figure that out. Stuff in chests should be relevant to the area they're found, and drops from monsters shouldn't be unreasonable, but worth getting. Not to mention the Steal items...

    Whether I want to have 10+ weapons for each character, each definitely stronger than the last. Or a bunch more, with double-edge stats, like STR +30, SPR -30. There's a lot to consider, it's just not simple. And accessories seem more and more broken without an upgrading system to balance them.

    What should we do? Have weapons that are flat upgrades to one another? Or positive/negatives to consider? Additionally, should a good number of them be treasure/monster drops? And if so, how do we balance that?
  12. Was absolutely lazy on this one... I dont think we need to list ever property of the weapon, As i'll handle it from a database, Only thing which matters is which weapons is stronger than the other, whichever enemies drops it and what kind of unleash move it has.

    Power and everything else can be handled as well, But yeah... Hate to get detailed when it comes to this road. Lazyness.

    Chaosthroph Inventory (Elyon).rtf - Speedy Share - upload your files here
  13. I meant that Elyon could still remain to be the pre-final before Shira if that goes into your plans like before.

    And nope, I dont know anybody else than Meigumi who can handle sprites.

    And for the list... Well, sure i suppose i can try to come up with stuff, It'll take awhile though.
  14. Well, if they MUST have trials, I'm like to use themes we already have, like their character themes, or other themes relating to them. But I should also change up what happens in the trials. Like, Ralz has to steal from people and Laevateinn gets to know what it's like to manage an empire. Just some ideas to mix it up, I suppose.

    Nah, I've decided Elyon won't be the final boss. MAYBE Dimitri, but I'll need to think on this more. Shira being the final boss with a little "help" sounds best to me. For now, anyway.

    Take your time. Until we finish this music thing, we can't proceed.

    Do you know anyone else who might fit the part? Or maybe get in closer contact with Meigumi?

    EDIT: You can hand me your list and I can... make it nice? Are you saying it's a typo mess or I wouldn't get it? Or...?
  15. Actually, I cant seem to make a good list for this, I can only come up with names and effects, But i cannot list them well, Because it just doesnt look good reading from... Damnit, either you have to handle this one as well, Or i have to find a solution.
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