Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Your attitude changed as soon as I said that. Did I strike close to home, perhaps? If I did... sorry, but I was giving my opinion. Well, that's no excuse to just blow some people off so you can make others happy, to make yourself happy.

    You're seriously going to ignore that? For months now, you've seemed as if nothing touches you.
  2. Mostly untrue? I recall seeing on Alther's profile you saying how right you were. And I can't help it if I play favorites; always have in real life, too.

    Shut up. You're not being funny. I'm human.
  3. And now I see that. "Someone" showed me the truth about Ethan, and then we talked it out. What, that? That was me being pissed. I refuse to sit back and take it, so I dish it back... even if it is mostly untrue. But I have to say, you really just seem to choose some friends and forget others.

    You're saying my comment... ACTUALLY affected the Great Untouchable Fate? o__O
  4. I wasn't mad at first; was just trying to get you to understand that you weren't being fair to Kyle. However, after the "you just sit in the backseat and express yourself through other people's anger" comment directed at me...
  5. Well, you're not making it any easier. I also promised "someone" that from now on I would speak my mind, instead of bottling it up.

    So, if we are to do this right... What caused this? Why are you mad? To start.
  6. I'm suppose to be here to 'solve' this because someone asked me to, but you're just being an ass, so yeah, just the shut the hell up.
  7. Truthfully in denial.
  8. Yea, I'm not denying. Unlike some other people, I happen to be truthful.
  9. Hard-headed, indeed.

    "Identity withheld" will not stop. And neither shall I.
  10. Yeah, now you're just being annoying.
  11. The more you deny it, the more you prove it right. You want to settle this, but you just didn't want to. "Identity withheld" had to convince you to put things right.

    Could be. Depends on how much more you intend to deny.
  12. If I could just ignore you now, I would. I was already doing that before. But because Kyle asked me, I'm talking.

    I suppose the latter is me?
  13. I'm starting to think a part of you wants to be here, too.

    More like... jerk vs hard-headed jerk.
  14. When did I do that, huh? I'm not using him for anything, much less as a way out. I'm only talking to you now because I'm doing it for him, anyway.

    Yeah, jerk versus jerk? Let's see who runs first.
  15. Well, its fair, seeing as you're using him as a free-way out, so...

    This is a surprise?
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