Well, we could always hire Cloud and his magnificent hair to get the jobs done. That hair has the power to eradicate all evil from the world. =D You may not be, but you've the force of one. XD
But then who'll kill the evil menaces? No, I am not a hurricane!
Hm, I think I'll change my mercenary ways and devote myself fully to trying to read every manga there is. =D It's less violent. Oh no, we have to board up our windows, lock all the doors, and hide under the bed! The teen is here! o_o
*huggles* Yay! *jumps up and down* Take that, evil bottle! Fear me, for I am a teen!
Okay~ *rolls up her sleeves* Stand back, and watch mah magics work! *casts meteor on the bottle* It has been incinerated. 8D I'm not 53, I'm 48...and that's not the point! Or wait... is it? O_O OH NO! A TEENAGER!
It came back! It came back! It came back!! But isn't 53 way past teendom?
Well if it comes back, let me know, and I'll incinerate it for real. Ha, you forget that I'm a teen myself! And I've had more time to soak in the evilness of teendom. *o*
But what if the scary thing comes back? I might die... No. You should fear me! Teens are scary, you know?
As a lover of the Earth, and a recycling freak, I can't do that. I'm sorry, but the scary bottle has already been melted down into pathetic little pellets. Can't we leave it alone. :rolls: That's right, fear me. Run for the hills!
But! But! But! Blow up the factory, then! Pwetty pweeze? Oh, God no...
But it's too late! D= I already put it in recycling, and as we speak, it's being melted down into plastic pellets for reuse. Sorry, but nothing can be done now deary. Yes, I'm a misguided murdering man. Actually, misguided is only the tip of the iceberg.
No, blow it up! Aww, you're not mean, just... misguided!^^
All right! *recycles the bottle* There, it's been eradicated, and the environment doesn't have to suffer for it. Okay fine, I'll stop biting you. I told you I was evil and scary didn't I? Now you know firsthand how mean I am. ^^
Hmm... let's see... Dasani Water Bottle of Evil! Hey, it hurts!
Yay! On to the next victim of my terror then? Hub. Ees Nog dag baa ("Hush. It's not that bad" spoken by Bleachie as she stayed latched onto Fate's arm)