Conversation Between Dodie16 and RamesesII

114 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha i think a lot of people liked dragoon haha but i thought it was a bit to boring so to speak i wanted something more individual but by all means still call me dragoon if you wish haha, it wasn't a change that people had to change with so to speak it was just for my own pleasure, in fact i would be quite happy if people still called me dragoon.
  2. Ohhh..You got your username changed!

    I liked dragoon, but if this suits you more then I think it's awesome as well!
  3. Haha she is pretty nice so im sure she wouldn't mind if you asked, haha i have just been looking up heaps of Okami wallpapers! then i will look up some DMC ones
  4. Kilala does wonderful work. I might ask her to do a Kingdom Hearts or Okami themed sig. But I want to get a few more posts in and be better known before I start asking any favors like that.
  5. Haha yeah i saw your post i love DMC3 it is good there is a second part to it where you can play Vergil as well and play his story but i haven't played it. Yes one of my friends on here made it for me as well as the sig if you cant tell i like Samurai haha
  6. Thank you for the friend request! Yes, I added you.

    Oh, so I suppose you saw my post about DMC 3? Yeah, I was pretty pathetic at that game. You must have really loved it! 4 times? Amazing!

    Yes, I love the japanese legends told in Okami as well. Japan has some of the best history. I don't know everything there is to know, but I love reading and learning about it!

    Your avatar is awesome, btw.
  7. Haha third playthrough holy moley i only played it twice haha i absolutely loved the graphics i always like the Old Japanese style painting so that just made it even better, i don't think i got all the beads either i was worried about getting all the sheilds haha, i love the movement and freedom you get in the game and it is just unique in the way he fights and what he can do with the paintbrush but i also love the story because most of is true Japanese legend so it was fun to learn etc.

    As for Devil may cry 3 that i can say i have played 4 times each time is so much better because when you finish it the first time the second time you play it you can choose different types of Dante and stuff is already unlocked thatr i also like because of the free movment and the fighting style it is so classy and stylish haha.
  8. I am in my third play-through! I want all those dang beads! lol Yes, it's the best game I've played, too. Thank you for visiting my page and leaving a message!
  9. Hey wow another Okami fan where as addicted as me i wonder haha, i couldn't stop playing it is by far one of the best games i played
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