Thanks a lot Nomura... -_- No! I don't know anything!
I guess you're right about that one. You teach many things more important than tasty munchies. (Oh, god... Did I say that out loud?)
Everything about KH does. o_O Yeah right. I have nothing to teach...
I know but still, makes you think what the new title is going to be about! xD I really learned a lot by travelling (Mis-spelt in the actual game) with you, Ralz
Its just a teaser for the next major KH title. I don't think it has anything at all to do with the actual game at hand... o_O Becoming of me...?
He's born from mist! And that ending just confuses me further! How very becoming of you.
But Vivi isn't darkness incarnate... But KH2 Sora IS in this game, in a secret ending. The ending shows what happens after the message bottle ending in KH2. Here... YouTube - Birth by Sleep secret ending-Destiny Islands scene subbed Yeah... sounds about right.
I know what the yellow eyes mean! I'm Vivi for goodness sake! xD But really, thanks for the info. I wondered why you said KH2 Sora was in it... Now I know. He totally suits black hair and yellow eyes, just like Ven does, well the yellow eyes. Why, you worthless mendicant!
I don't know the whole story, but Ven is connected to Sora, somehow. And when Vanitas was created, he looked like KH2 Sora, but with black hair and yellow eyes. (Yellow eyes meen a person has accepted darkness.) Yeah, maybe I do...
(It's not your fault...) Is it Sora under the mask for a reason? You always have to show off don't you?
(Nice one, Ralz... -_-) Oh well, you know it now. Vanitas is the absolute darkness in Ven's heart. He is complete and utter darkness. No light whatsoever. Many people called me that...
No, he is born from Ven's heart and resembles Sora... I did spoil it for myslef to see if I did make a mistake... Awww... Ralz... Yeah... I was called that once...
I said you'd never guess who he is, you guessed Sora, which was WRONG.
But, you said... It's okay: You're not alone!
Huh? No it isn't, Sora's a kid here. This is where the real Raleztor would be handy... -_-