Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. We really need someone who can do the RP series... Uhh... I could try... But i'd like to do it animated like... But i don't know how! XD i never maked anything like that before.
  2. Glad you enjoyed it!
  3. Thanky! *Humms*
  4. Happy birthday Alther! I don't have anything to give you, but on the bright side, I edited my last post in the RP thread with a WAY better backstory whenever you want to check it out!
  5. Hmmm... it's good... But it needs an little more details about yourself... like mine... it telled really how my life started.
  6. Yep! Very interesting! What did you think of mine?
  7. Now... you know my story... Instresting?
  8. Re-updated with your additions!
  9. Me too go check it out!
  10. I've updated my RP character info!
  11. Done!!
  12. OKAY! You post the discussion... it was YOUR idea after all!
  13. Wait... Why are we discussing this in VM rather than posting a discussion?
  14. Virgil 3 is best of them... But i still prefer Nisus! sorry man! You gotta get something better.
  15. Like "Vergil 2" or "Vergil 3"?
    Vergil 2
    Vergil 3
    EDIT; Whoops! you beat me to it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1156 to 1170 of 1276
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