Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Well... Lets get to work then! We have to start the RP quickly as possible... Any ideas how to make an RP... with pictures!
  2. ...


    All I did was use a render of DMC2 Dante, inverted his hair color and pasted part of another picture on him.

    BTW Try Paint dot Net, I can help you if you get stuck, and it's like a free photoshop!
  3. HOLY COW!!! Awsome!!!
  4. Check it out!
  5. Well... Good luck then! I suck at doing thing on Paint... XC i know it's an sucking device to make change 3D pictures with XC *Facepalm*
  6. Don't worry about it! Besides, Photobucket broke down on me, I can't even view the main site! I just made one myself anyways.
  7. Hmmm... I tryed an search in google and founded this...
    Black haired demon image by CherryBabe22 on Photobucket hope this works...
  8. Darnit!! Whatever i try... Dante's hair will look cartoonish XC Well... good luck man... I did my best...
  9. Actually I was about to do that LOL! But you could try, if you want, so here are the notable things about the face.
    Have fun!
  10. I could try an fix your avy... Im quite good... During what you said about the RP you said an Dante style from DMC2 but black... i'll see what i can do...
  11. Well lemme change my Avvy! LOL! And my cover is nothing like that. But I'll gladly make one like that!

    Oh, and for the Chapter name: HEROS OF DARKNESS sounds cool!
    (Stupid Photobucket isn't working! GRRRR!)
  12. OKay i will explain... The cover of this this form of... Movie or something is the emblem... our flag with other words... But put our Avatars in it... You know... slightly visible in the emblem...

    And the I chapter is about us... Uhh... how should i say... Dark Heroes...? Is about... I really don't know XD I thought it was an cool name for an first chapter XD
  13. Hmmm... I don't think I'm even close to being qualified but I'll see what I can do.


    PART I: TO HEAL A GOD: More info as to what the first part is about please? and is it like an episode? or a whole season, I vote season.

    And that cover? I simply made it for kicks, but I'll PM it to you and you can give me your opinion!
  14. Sure! Every idea is great! ... But uh... I REALLY THINK we should start the series soon... I mean heres like my idea...

    Series Name: The chronicles of Chaosthroph

    Part I: To heal an god

    What do you think?
  15. Oh, and you think that I can? LOL!
    Oh, I made something for the RP as a joke. Want me to PM it to you?
    (It's a Video game cover. for the PS2 cause that's the best I can do but still, it only took me a few minutes.)
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