I PMed them to you!
And... the pics are done soon??
I've finally made one of the intro pics! of the angel assault! I'll PM it to you soon!
Right... im going to listen to it right now.
Well, I've added a new boss theme to my style! So, I think the songs would be like this: Battle 1:The time has come (DMC4 OST) Battle 2:Sworn through Swords (DMC4 OST) Battle 3:The Gates of Hell (Last Remnant soundtrack)
Nah... Sorry... im going to sleep... We might talk about this tomorrow... Just leave an post in my channel if you have maked anything... or want o say something.
Sorry G2G see ya soon! If your still online in an hour/less maybe I'll talk to you then.
Sorry Man... But i can only help you at other things... Like i said... Im NOT an creator of these things... I NEVER created anything like that...!! I just thought Meigumi's idea was great! So... we are here to start it! You want it done? we need to get along if we are gonna do this quick.
What am I? Your frontman??? Your "Darth Vader"???
In fact... I suck at doing that kind of things :C *Frown* I just hope things will go well... Im a Searcher type... Not an creator or some sort XD
I'll leave YOU to start it!
Sure! Your story intro was more instrested than mine anyway XD i gotta go o sleep soon we better hurry up an little...
Actually I was thinking something more along the lines of after the Angels devastated Chaosthroph we had to avenge our bretheren and destroy Orderos. Along the way, we throw the universe into war!
Yes i saw it. Hmmm... Lets try to start an Intro... The heroes... (That's we all 4) Leave Chaosthroph to hinder the angels to destroy our planet... With some texts an things... an Final Fantasy Style of course!