Yeah, guess the Red Mage lost its flair quick... -_- Now I'll have to make room for that somehow. (But is it REALLY necessary? The item drop boost is nice, but I have most of what I would ever care about... Same for the Superslick.) It's pretty simple, though. I've been going through all of Shade Impulse with every character, though, to see the subtle changes. You should be honoured! L is the most beloved character!
I got 7 medals at times. Just try to get the Ranger card. But with the Dancer Lore... =D Actually, I would prefer the villains. I don't like Story Moding with a ton of characters. I suppose these comments are compliments? =D
What do the enemies give? Like... 1 medal? Oh well, a shame Ribbons can only be equipped by females... and Cloud... -_- The heroes one is easy, but for the villains, you have to rely on... *sigh* "the luck of the draw"... If you had bags, if would complete the set! However, you REALLY do look like him, just from your eye's perspective! =O
A mere 30 medals. It's rare, though. It's far too rare to be in . Destiny Odyssey. Then unequip some HP attacks. I once had no HP attacks, only HP chains. I'll do it! This must be true! =O
How much does it cost? Lolz... I suppose, but it may as well have been hidden in Terra's story, too... Haha, how naive... That's one thing I CAN'T equip. (But for some reason, I can equip the Thief's Cap...) Ah well, and bragging rights. Told ya!
They're equipments you can make with the Adamantite found in the Lunar Whale course. And guess what accessory I found in the Blackjack course? The Rosetta Stone! I knew that "Dancer" had to mean that it would be in Shantotto's story. Can Tidus equip Bangles or Gauntlets? Those are the best. You get completion. =] I got another L comment. ;]
Adamant? Where are we finding this now? Guess you were right about it being in Shantotto's story... Still can't equip it!!! >.< And my CP is MAXED already. I don't know what happens, but I bet it's nothing special. -_-
But combined with the Adamant equipment effect, that's a 50% boost right there! I already found the Dancer Lore last week. =O It's in chapter of Shantotto's Distant Glory as a rare treasure chest. It's better than tphe Seydlitz. Still, the Lunate Armlet gives better Bravery boost. Not yet. I just know of it. I'm getting it now.
20%. Not TOO useful, but I suppose it helps make up for the -40 Bravery BS... -_- If you find it(as well as the Dancer's Lore), tell me! Huh... how useless compared to the physical bonus. It's says so on Gamefaqs. I've been busy with EVERYTHING else. So, I take you've seen the secret ending, then? I'm trying to get them now, but I've still got IC to worry about, and I'm not sure if it cares if I take the villains through the Airship course...
Plus, you get a 20 or 30% boost in Bravery when you dodge. I know that one thing I'm missing is the set of female equipment that raises Battlegen and Item Drop rates. It's in the last category, but I don't have it yet. They aren't that bad. I like the Lufenian Dirk. It gives a +1 ATK for my Luny. Why don't you get all the Cosmos and Chaos reports? They're simple. Just beat Shade Impulse 4 with each hero to get the Cosmos reports and fight the hero counterpart boss card of each villain in the Colosseum, or so I've heard.
When the opponent staggers, I can do like 400 damage a hit!!! O_o Maybe the last thing is hidden... 10000 PP now! Wow, all that for... something useless! >:C (I never even saw anything other than Lufenian weapons... -_-) I've been going through the stories again to get all the manual summons and to get the stage ones. It hasn't been easy, but I have most of them now. WoL's is the last one.
What is that? Not quite yet. I still need the 20,000 for the All Cutscenes, the two secret voices, and maybe something else that I missed, because those three don't seem to add up to 100%. I'm awake now! Oh, and I somehow managed to have a set effect with equipments with the same strength as the ones I had. I have the Wisdom of Lufenia effect, but it's not really that useful... 15% Ex Gauge Depletion.
Whoa, I think I see the power of World Champion... O_o Whoa! Have you managed to purchase everything in the PP Catalog, yet? That's what I've been up to. I have almost everything, just gotta get the "All Cutscenes" item, for completion. However, 20000 is a LOT, and I have almost 8000. Also... for some reason, my second run through Inward Chaos is being really, really easy... I got to The Emperor without a single loss, and without having to retry once, and I got both of those hardcore summons you mentioned. But, I still think Chaos will kick my ass... -_- WHOA! O_O
It still doesn't add up enough. Poor Luny. =[ *huggles him* Both are right. I managed to get to 800 medals in Blackjack, but I lost the next match and had it halved. =[ I ended up leaving with the 4,000 PP. Now!
Freebies... Could've gone either way. "Inward Chaos is too hard... but Blackjack is even worse, it's BRUTAL!!!!" ORRRRR... "Inward Chaos isn't too bad, but Blackjack is BRUTAL..." For realz!