Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. I am. I'm doing homework right now.
  2. Hey Fate, if you're not on your PSP, wanna chat?
  3. Well, playing with the Warrior of Light, I think I've found an appropriate name for him. Since his basis is on the light, and since he heavily regards Cosmos to have a "guiding light," I've decided to nickname him "Light."

    Why? First, it makes sense, given his attacks, also, the main character of Death Note is name Yagami Raito(why are the Japanese so backwards with names?), and in English Light Yagami. Light is the polar opposite of L! So, I figured that would be a bit better!
  4. I... did it! I finally put an end to the Members Elimination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

    ! = Amount of joy I'm having!
  5. ♪With some Sephiroth beatings...♪

    ? I've purchased everything but the Unlock Cutscenes thing. Unless I'm missing something, and I currently have 97%.

    Maybe he could be like Luneth, using magic releases Wisdom Form, while attacking releases Valor Form, although that would be stealing! =O

    It's almost like... TWINS!!!!!
  6. ♪It's the most wonderful time of the year...♪

    Almost there. have you gotten the secret Exdeath and Golbez (?) voices?

    That's a lot of forms... Wouldn't it be epic, though, to see Leon summoning a Valkyrie out of his book to attack for him? =D And his voice... I like both his and Luny's.

    Sort of like... ME! (Heh-heh, this seems familiar.)
  7. I'm just babbling now!

    But, GETTING there would be a pain... -_- I have about 18000 now, so...

    I think Ethereal Blast would be his Ex Burst. Extinction, too. I suppose Gabriel would be the enemy. Let's see, for Kingdom Hearts, we'll have Sora, and maybe Riku could be the enemy, but it'll likely be Xehanort. Sora's Ex Mode would be his Forms.

    Short and sweet.
  8. I'm out of comments for this. =P

    I can get the All Cutscenes easily by going through the Blackjack course. Just two 999 medals runs would get me enough.

    And a Fayt with Ethereal Blast, and a Leon with Extinction (<3)!

    It's to the point. ;]
  9. Yes.

    Not sure. Maybe because he's just so balanced. I've decided to forget taking ALL the characters through Shade Impulse. I'll just lead them through the last chapter, and purchase All Cutscenes. Then, MAYBE finish Inward Chaos...

    Claude would be there, and Mirror Blade would destroy everyone!

    O_o Subtle...
  10. Of course! =]

    Why him? I'll have some training to do if I want some of my characters to get past Shade Impulse...

    Star ocean characters! =O I want Leon. =]

    There is only one me-Fate: me. =D
  11. True. -_-

    For some reason, I'm working with WoL now...

    With KH characters!

    There is only one Fate!
  12. It's true and you know it. ;]

    Likewise, I only care about Luny. But I managed to get the other seven slots for Shantotto as well, because I used her at one point.

    I want a sequel! =O

    So? He's still a rip-off of me. =D

  13. I only cared about Tidus, so I'm not sure if I'd care for the others... at least for now.

    But now Dissidia has messed everything up!

    Not sure, but by the details, it looks like it was made more recently. But L is like 20-something.
  14. I'm too sweet. =]

    They're so annoying. Like the Rosetta Stone for extra accessory slots...

    Is not! At least I stuck with something now. =D

    What year was the manga made? If it was after 1995, then he's my clone. =D
  15. You're too good!

    Stupid Lores... -_-

    Your chain is too long!

    Really? Wow, you must be his clone or something!
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