The Heartless quiver at us and the Unversed wet their pants! OKEYYYYYYY DOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEY WHHHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! (You are!) Same here.
We ARE NOTHING and EVERYTHING! The Nobodies look upon us in envy! SURRRRRRE... HOOOOOOOP.... OOOOOOOOONNNNNNN! (I'm no midget! D8<) Too, me!
We are also beyond NOTHING! Can I ride? I'm not a midget like Fate so I'll be able to ride... Wait, aren't you a midget? xD Me too!
We are beyond even those who created the gods, we are beyond EVERYTHING! IIIIIIIIT'S THHEEEEEE BEEEEEEEEST ROLLLLLLLLER COASTTTTTTER EVERRRRRRRR... I have responded also!
Pfft, Gods, we are more than Gods, more than you could ever imagine! You on a roller-coaster? I have also responded! xD
Not even the gods could stop us! WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! And I have responded!
We shall make our own universe, woven from our eternal power. We shall shape Planets made of gold and Galaxies that suit our tastes ! Mwahahaahahaaaaaa! OMGFFSBRB! xD I have!
And then after that, we can summon the true power we all possess. With it, we can either destroy the world, or conquer it. From there, we can proceed to conquer other worlds and galaxies, until everything belongs to us! BLOBLOBLOBLBOBLBOBO!!!! Let me hear it all...
I believe that if we join together at the dead of night towards a full moon. We chant together and raise our hands towards the moon and our hands will imprint on the moons surface. This will prove we are of the same blood and maybe, just maybe, we can become one... Chechchabeata! xD All right, I'll give you a proper analysis, via PM.
Fate believes Blinky is his clone, but I know he was also created from you. You see, you have the power to separate yourself, and Blinky came of that. Its all part of some weird experiment to create the perfect being, and instead, the four of us all have a fragment of that perfection and we were all separated. Now that we've gathered here, we can probably find a way to become almighty again and conquer the universe! Wooooh! Seriously though, what are your thoughts on the changes? What'd you think of the new character? (In case you're wondering, its RALT + FATE + X mixed around. )
That sounds awesome! I must have the best personality ever, if I'm made from both of you that is! Wah?! Indeed, unnecessary...
Actually Vivi, you may have been created from the two of us. Perhaps whatever was left over from the separation of cells was enough to make you, which is why you make friends so easy with us. Yes, that must be it. Oh? How unnecessary...
So... I'm the twin of a clone of you? *Drools* Tuttt! Giving you unnecessary changes to make is unnecessary!
Because he has my voice, and we share a similar opinion on many things. He can ONLY be my clone... Pfft! (-_-) If that's the case... then you're unnecessary comment is meaningless. Tell me what's unnecessary!
How is he? Meh! I have no negative feedback for you!