Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. It'll take a couple of turns, but It'll be awesome!
  2. Hey don't try anything stupid!! He is immune for Instant-Death attacks! Nothing can beat him instantly!
  3. IO thought of how to beat him! I'm just waiting for my next turn!
  4. WHAT THE BLOODY!!!!?????? WRH??? HOW DO WE FIGHT THIS GUY!!!!! Judgement Night only did 55,555 DMG!
  5. We have an serious problem!!!! Come help!!!!
  6. Raise up loyal servant Armageddon... I know that you want to show respect... But im not deserving THIS respect xD
  7. *Kneels*
  8. You are maybe my ally... But once you reach Rank 10 ... You will be able to stand aside me whenever you feel like! Until... Train and i will give you an portion of my power at Rank 9! If... you beat my test...
  9. And I shall be his ally!

    (Angels: Oh noes!)
  10. For now... I will stay in the shadows and devour souls until i have recovered my true strength... But soon... I WILL BE DARKNESS ITSELF!! And whoever that tries to stop me, will end up like the rest... DEVOURED AND EXTINQUISHED FOR ENTERNITY!!!!! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAAHH!!!!

    (Angels: Will he ever shut up...? ಠ_ಠ)
  11. ROFLMAO!!!!! But, I'll get started on that!
  12. Yes!!! *Laughs demonicly* I shall become the new LORD OF DARKNESS!!!!

    (Angels: Omg! ಠ_ಠ)
  13. Well... How about the Default Xemnas? (pure black robe) Would that work?
  14. Lol! i just love the light... and dark!! I want an special form of my true power!

    BTW... Did i say i love Kingdom Hearts?
  15. Try giving me a DETAILED description that I can work with!
Showing Visitor Messages 1066 to 1080 of 1276
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