Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Done
  2. I'm fine, thanks! Also, you get to create a cutscene, sorry about the damage you just obtained.
  3. It's your turn!
  4. How're ya?
  5. Hai!!!!!!
  6. I would want an Nastily God-Like form! I am an dragon to... I have devoured OVER NINETOUSAND DRAGON SOULS!! An dark aura behind me... and... some wings would be nice... and of course... the head of an Dragon! Here's head.

    And for Wings... not the organic type... An vile dark power who had taked form of wings... Hope this was enough help.
  7. Hai!

    (ooc: OK I'll fix it! What type of Face do you want?)
  9. Hmmm... Change face please... Makes it look an little funny xD I mean... Hey it's Xemnas!
  10. You'll get it eventually!
  11. I would like an Pic of only myself transforming to that form. With Chaosthroph behind me.
  12. Haven't worked on it yet! (BTW, your pic in the updated escape is the allblack version.)
  13. No! I meant... My true form pic xD I forgoted to be clarify.
  14. I'll PM the first 2 to you in a few. (AKA the assault, and the updated escape, features a preview of my Keep/Castle!)
  15. BTW... How goes teh pic?
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