Conversation Between Victoria and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

102 Visitor Messages

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  1. Render? Ooh... He might be making one from complete scratch. And it may take a week for him because he may not have as much free time as I do.
  2. Okay...Well Thanks Anyways. And I'm looking forward to seeing it. Its cause he does really good ones...And thats how long he said it would take to make a really good one, and to render it, and stuff.
  3. LOL A week? For a single banner? hahahahahahahaha!
    No...about half an hour or so.

    Expect yours tomorrow, though.
  4. How long should it take? My friends said it would take around a week to do it. I don't know if its the same in your case. Anyway, I Thank you in Advance for trying to make the Banner I want. Thank You Very Much
  5. I hope that your not mad at me or anything...I'm sorry if I did something to upset you in any way.
  6. Thanks for the tip~
  7. Okay well for my Avatar just google this: samurai warrior
    And for my Profile Picture just google this: WWIII samurai warrior
    Just make sure you have the exact pictures.
    And Thank You in advance for making this
  8. I want to make your sig set, but your avatar and profile picture are too small to work with.
    Do you mind giving me the name of the person who is in your avatar/profile pic?

    That would help gratefully, thanks.
  9. Yes, you "know her", but you don't "know her" well enough to label her as your best friend. >_>;
  10. First of all yes I do know her, secondly, I already talked to you before too, And thirdly, She does know me. So why you saying things like I don't know her, and she don't know me?
  11. Who are you and why are you talking to me?
    Also, Kilala isn't your best friend. You don't even know her, and she doesn't even know you. (To set the record straight. Someone has to. >_>)
  12. Hey Mistress Sheena How ya Been?
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 102 of 102
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