Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

258 Visitor Messages

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  1. That doesn't matter.
  2. Alright fine you know it just you and me on right????
  3. Yeah!
  4. Yes I am comming it my turn right????
  5. You done with shopping? Come on and fight!
  6. Hey Vivi haven't talked to you in a while how you been????
  7. Thanks I will be excited when the night mare is over
  8. I feel sorry for my Fatey and for you too!
  9. Uh huh I see why Fate wants outta here too many Fat people
  10. Blegh... Makes you sick, huh?
  11. Yeah I can't imagine what their stomachs look like
  12. Well, I suppose that they steal other people's food anyway... You know, like the burger and the hotdog and etc...
  13. You wanna believe it my cab had Mc Donalds all in his car
  14. Man, I mean... is that all they eat? =D
  15. * sticks out tongue * I will bring some over and mail it to you when I return hahahaha
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 105 of 258
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