Conversation Between che and Josh_R

103 Visitor Messages

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  1. aww thanks baby you're such a charmer
  2. ehh there is alot worse here than you lol
  3. haha i'm just a troublemaker RAWR
  4. nobody wants you starting some shit haha
  5. for shiz, man. i haven't posted anything in a while. probably for the best.
  6. haha I haven't talked to you in a while man, just lurkin an shit
  7. yoyo playa whats hood
  8. whats up bro
  9. uhhhhhh nigggaaaaaa!?!?!?!?!?


    just thought I would grace your profile, and VM's with my presence.
  10. hahaha
  11. it was hard work.
  12. Rofl gj!!!!!!!!!! You did it.
  13. support the GFA homie...
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 103 of 103
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