Conversation Between LIGHTNING_71013 and Ethan Blitzball King

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. Heh ok then so what is your favorite thing about Lightning????
  2. oh...i took care of something, but now its fine. thx for asking.
  3. Thanks what happened to you earlier????
  4. looks good for the background.
  5. Haha yeah it is I am about to make it my background again check it out
  6. but the ball is much more prettier...
  7. Yeah its like a soccer game in the water haha thanks I havn't heard that one before
  8. its kind of like a soccer game in water right? but i dont know all the details like you blitzball master.
  9. Wow ok then do you know alot about Blitzball????
  10. lol. no.....i dont think i know you in person, maybe? it just seems to me that you do know. lol
  11. Huh how do you know that ???? do you know me in person or something???
  12. even if i dont read it i know you have full knowledge. although i'm not really a fan i would want to play.
  13. Hahah you should have seen my old conversations I know everything there is to know about Blitzball
  14. yah i guess blitzball fan!!!
  15. Great just doing some posting are you a Lightning fan????
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 105 of 108
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