Conversation Between Diyala and Dodie16

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  1. Hey, I wondered where you have been hiding! I guess school keeps you away from here sometimes.

    I've been doing pretty good, thank you for asking! Nothing special going on. We just set up our Christmas tree, so that's something special.

    It's definately getting colder, and my dad doesn't want us to turn the heat up, so I have to dress up in sweaters and flannel pajamas to stay warm. There hasn't been too many warm days in the mix. I hope you don't catch anything from all the weather changes that you're having where you live.

    I hope you're doing well with your exams! I used to eat and study at the same time, because if I didn't I wouldn't have had time to eat because of all the studying I had to do.
  2. how have you been ?
    hahah , how is winter going with you?
    we have very cold days but other warm ones
    but I usually feel hungry when I'm studying even if I just have a meal a while ! and hunger + winter + exams are so tough >_<
    heh , see you
    back to book
  3. thanks , glad to hear that from you
    I like talking to you ^_^ really , but i was busy studying
    see u soon honey
  4. Oh, it's cold where I live too! My skin dries out and goes crazy on me... So yeah, I don't like the winter all that much either!

    I am doing pretty well, thank you for asking! I wondered where you have been. Have you been doing alright? Well, I hope you have been well, even though the cold is getting to you! Hopefully, that blanket is doing it's job and keeping you toasty warm!
  5. Long time no see ^_^
    how r u ?
    I can't stand winter >_<
    it makes me want to keep hugging my blanket all the time hahaha
  6. I'm glad that it went well for you! I'm also glad to be of any help. If you need anything, just send me a message and I will do my best.
  7. Ohayouuuuu !
    The presentation was Good as I believe
    I told them your story as an example ( your job and how you change the tone according to whom you're talking to , ahahah I said to myself how lucky Dodei her speech has been shown for my mates and teachers ^_^
    I forgot most of It but I creat my own words according to my comperhention but you know we mostly like to use well organized words rather than using ours coz we want to look perfect , but never mind , If I fail to remeber the exact quatation I can explain It's meaning and so on.
    But really glad to have your help .at any rate If I am able to help u don't hesitate to ask me
  8. I do wish you luck, and I hope that you do very well.

    Hopefully my answers to you were what you needed for your assignment.
  9. You are an old sister of me
    Tomorrow is my presentation an I'm fully depending on your last Speech , so Wish me Happy luck as I believe in you
    See u soon Insha'alla
  10. I believe it means that we change our voices depending on the situation we are in. If we are among friends, our speech would be more relaxed and not as professional as our speech would be if we were somewhere that calls for a more professional tone.

    I can use my occupation as an example: I work as a waitress in a restaurant. The way I speak with my customers is more polite and courteous and I have a different tone of voice when I speak to these people. It makes me seem more respectful of thier presence when I do this. I am also more likely to say "Sir" and "Madam" because it is more respectful to do so.

    As for the 'telephone voice', I believe it would have something to do with when you speak to someone on the telephone that you don't know, you would more than likely have a more polite sounding voice than your normal speaking voice.

    I hope I helped you a little, and no you are not bothering me at all.
  11. Hello Dodie
    would you please help me in this text
    I know u will say put it down in the homework thread , I already did befor but no one answer and if I post double posts they would worn me >_<
    here it is :
    All native speakers adjust their speech patterns depending on context: from relaxed conversation in familiar surroundings to a more formal setting. Most of us have been accused of having a ‘telephone voice’.

    I want to know what does that mean and specificly the one with green color??
    sorry for bothering !
  12. Sure, go ahead and ask! I will try to help you if I am able to.
  13. Hi miss
    May I ask you a faver ?
  14. Yes I do love It , you know sometimes the best thing about some poems is that you can Get it's meaning the way you want , the way you feel and the way it touches something deep inside a heart , and you feel like it was made for you or describing you like the poet is narrating some scenes he watches through your own life and he arranges them perfectly to look like a poem . But still sometimes even if we try to paraphrase a poem , we can't explain each meaning as it seems to us coz He's the one who has the real meaning of what he writes ,

    Thanks for your kindness , I'll be in touch
  15. Do you like poetry? I like haiku the best. It's a type of Japanese poetry that uses only three lines, but the first line has words that equal 5 syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the last has five again. Here's a lovely example of a haiku that Fate did:

    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

    Anyway, enough from me about that. I'm sorry to hear that there are things on your mind that is causing you to worry, and I do hope that things turn out okay. There are a lot of good members on this forum to talk to about stuff, so if you ever need someone to talk to, we'll be glad to listen!
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