Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Unknown Entity

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Btw nice new avatar and siggy ^^ Jezz change change change... Lol jk. I change them alot XD The one's i have right now are my longest one's ive had. well... gettin off... Bye bye'z!
  2. I don't they're all that well known here. Sure, all my friends would know the name of them, but only a few would be able to name a few songs. XD

    But yeah, they're ok in my books. =]
  3. Yea ^^ I love em'. my whole family does ^^
    Just thought sence their from the U.K. They would be well known. Their well known in Brazil to O.o Lol But their not that famous in America... I dont likeit here! Lol jk..
  4. Haha, the light was on, but because I painted my room dark red, its still pretty dark. But it gives off that lovely... warm and romantic feel, and I like it. ^^
    And we have some very heavy rain over here. =D

    Iron Maiden? Haha, of course! You like them?
  5. Oh lolz. Didnt know you took it in the dark XD... Maybe the picture is dark because you took it at night... Lol. How's it in the U.K.?
    Btw have you heard of a band called iron maiden?
  6. I'm doing fine. ^^
    How're you?

    Hehe, thanks for the picture comment - it made me giggle. But really, you don't have to be scared of me... that photo was just taken at night. ^^;;
  7. Hi ^^
    how ya doin?
    heh heh...
  8. Yay!!!
  9. Thankies! ^^

    You gave me my 4000th VM. o.o
  10. Nice avy ^^;;
  11. Really? Then I'l have to look out for it. =]
  12. Yea forgot to tell yea that it's kinda like final fantasy ^^ So you should really like it ^^
  13. I still have a working PSOne. =O

    LofD? Well, I'll keep an eye out for it. I'll look it up first, just to make sure I'll like it. =]
  14. Lol, atleast PS2 play's PS1 game's ^^
    But got to warn ya, it might be pretty expensive ^^ I just know it's expensive in America... Dont know about U.K. ^^;;
    It's expesive because it has 4 disc's.
  15. No worries. ^^
    I was just stupid when I got it... at least my PS2 still works. =D
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