Only when I have opportunity for it. I have played Yuri's revenge when it's first released and I really liked. The only C&C I didn't played is this new Red Alert 3 but the previous one Tiberium War was excellent especially Kane edition. EA is also announced C&C 4 for next year and they're intensively working with regular fans all for to make the best C&C game ever, but many are frighted that it will be the last C&C although I highly doubt it.
I have TFD, so yeah, I've played it. Oh, and my favorite? RA2 Yuri's revenge! So, Do you play mods?
You wouldn't believe it but the old Retaliation is my favorite. I don't know have you ever played it but that was the best strategy game of that time, I still have a copy of it although I don't remember the last time that I have played it. So what's yours favorite C&C game?
I'm glad to see another CnC fan! So, what's your favorite CnC?