Conversation Between Alther Primus and Xanatos

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. Only when I have opportunity for it. I have played Yuri's revenge when it's first released and I really liked. The only C&C I didn't played is this new Red Alert 3 but the previous one Tiberium War was excellent especially Kane edition. EA is also announced C&C 4 for next year and they're intensively working with regular fans all for to make the best C&C game ever, but many are frighted that it will be the last C&C although I highly doubt it.
  2. I have TFD, so yeah, I've played it. Oh, and my favorite? RA2 Yuri's revenge!

    So, Do you play mods?
  3. You wouldn't believe it but the old Retaliation is my favorite. I don't know have you ever played it but that was the best strategy game of that time, I still have a copy of it although I don't remember the last time that I have played it. So what's yours favorite C&C game?
  4. I'm glad to see another CnC fan!

    So, what's your favorite CnC?
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