Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

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  1. Of course I know that! xD

    You can't kill off Planet Meh because...Well, you just can't. =S

    Ooh, I'll be checking them out, then! =D
  2. It's a version on "How are you?" -_-

    *Sends a barrage of nukes to your planet*

    Lots of new screenies at my thread!
  3. My planet? You mean Planet Meh? =3 It's about to kill your planet. x3
  4. What's happening on your planet today Fate?
  5. Oh really? I think that thy have ababandoned you,I Win
  6. I, COLORS! Yes, deadly COLORS. >=3
  7. Listen, it was meant in friendship.
    Heh, I have the entirety of the Serpent Rider Army, and Hell to back me up!
  8. Oh, yeah? I might be a midget, but I have people to back me up! X3
  9. I wouldn't if I were you.
  10. >=( Get ready to be hurt, kid!
  11. Never mind... *Defends*
  12. Is it this thing?

    Because if it is, I'm going to punch you in the face! x3
  13. XD

    BTW, I'm giving out free hugs! Want one? (Non-gay)
  14. Hahaha, thankies, then! ^___^ At least I get to be something kill-others-able. =D
    Naw, it's all right~. I enjoy making avatar, wallpapers, banners, and icons more. =) Thanks for the offer, though!
  15. It's my tribute to you! (I know I'm weird, but It's mty way of saying "I like ya!", plus those were taken in DM mode )
    Thanks! Want a tutorial?
    okie-doke, well, lemme know!
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