Hmmmmmmmmmm! I am the God of Blitzball Wahahahahahahahhaha
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Hey wanna Goof Off ?????
Sure, I'll join your family. +) And I'll add you when I can find spare time, because I'm really lazy and my family if you look is actually an image. ^_^; I'll need to dig up the Photoshop file and edit it. =P
Hey wanna join my Tff ?????? and can I join yours?????
Hey if you ever just wanna goof off just VM me and I will play along ok that always helps me get over things
He, don't worry about it. And thank you. =) I've got Kyle, still, though. ^_^
Hey Fate I am sorry for what happened between Ralz and Vivi I hope you guys can figure it out I don't like seeing the forums soo quiet
OHHH I thought you were extremely mad and never wanted to talk to me again
I was never mad about you destroying my user note. =3 And no, I'm not ignoring you, I just don't like to reply on my PSP too much; I prefer posting.
Gee Fate you are ignoring me wow
Hahahahahaaha I win hey just wanted to know if you still are mad about me destroying your user note
Well tale your pick be thrown in dungeon or tell me what i need to know
I am still waiting to hear your response are you ready for the dungeon?????? I have Vivi down there as well he asked too many questions