Yes! You win a pan-fried noodle. Ooooh... that part actually sounds pretty appealing to me. One of the faults that FF has seemed to have a lot, is being too easy. And I say that in the humblest way possible. xD Yeah he did... but Mickey didn't! =D ...Right? I think... Maybe he did eventually... Its been a long time since I've played KHII, didn't like it very much.
Ooh, do I get a prize for answering correctly? That's another thing. You don't level, you stat growth. There's this growth system called the Crystarium. The simplest way to put it is its a 3-D Sphere Grid. And because it prevents you, this is the hardest game in the series. Far more tactical than any other. But he ditched the cloak. I don't know what Raijin was wearing.
You'd be correct! ^ ^ There's limitations to how high a level you can be in each chapter? Damn, as tedious as it can be, level-grinding was always one of my favorite parts of RPGs to be honest. Riku has a hoodie when he wears the cloak, doesn't he? Seifer's the only one in KH who hides his hopes and dreams in a beanie. =( Wait, did Raijin have a beanie?
I imagine your pay isn't that amazing. FFXIII doesn't let you level grind. There are limitations each chapter. The final boss is VERY annoying. You're dealing with two VERY annoying things, and two very DEADLY things. >.< Shame on Riku for not wearing a hoodie. Even Kairi has one, now.
Yeah I was lucky enough to come across my job (through connections), though circumstances has made it so I only work once a week now, and its only for about 3 hours... @_@ Hopefully my hours go back up soon. How many tries did the final boss take you? Its impressive if I ever actually defeat the final boss in an RPG, because I always do lots of excessive level-grinding and side-quests, to the point where I get bored of the game and set it aside, still unfinished. xP Haha the Kingdom Hearts series definitely has the hoodie thing covered. I guess it'd be sillier if they all wore beanies (especially the Organization), but hey, it'd be gangsta.
Not yet. Getting a job isn't easy where I am. A job in general. I was considering an online shop myself. The ones at the school are WAY expensive. Yes, I beat the game a week or two ago. Fun right till the end, but the final boss was annoying. All I'll say is the game was worth every penny. Next they'll be wearing hoodies. *looks at Sora* Hey...
Hmmm, well considering that was a while ago, did you get it yet? xD Are you talking about looking for a second job, or just a job in general? Text books are so expensive, my friend got hers off Craig's List for really cheap so I might just do that next time. Well at least it grows on you. Have you beaten the game yet? How was it? No spoilers! I guess it was about time for another character with a beanie to appear in FF. Are they the only ones? I bet they keep their hopes and dreams in there.
Not quite yet. I'll be looking for a small job to get some extra cash. I also need to pay for school books, too. I have to admit, I was expecting the childish voice, too. But, as time went on, it became more acceptable. And now, nine chapters in, I can't think of any other voice for him. It was totally the hat. Oh no... o_O
Soooooooo did'ya get it? Did'ya? *Pester* You did, didn't you? How far are you? Hope's voice is oddly mature-sounding in both Japanese and English, it completely threw me off to begin with so I can imagine it'd take a while to adjust to. I definitely was expecting someone like Mona Marshall to voice him. Odd how I never made the Snow/Seifer connection until you just mentioned it... I totally see it now. xD *Looks back at conversation* Oh God why did I say that?
Pokemon HeartGold? I'm planning to get SoulSilver, myself, when I get the proper funding, anyway. From what I've seen, Squeenix has finally learned you need to spread the development to all characters to have a good story. There's a couple sad moments near the beginning, but nothing that hasn't been done before. Hope is an interesting character, although his voice takes some getting used to, at first anyway. As for Snow... well imagine Seifer Almasy having a heart... too big of a heart... o_O I think interesting times are ahead of us.
Confusing how? I want it, but I'm cutting down my spending, so I made myself choose between Heart Gold or XIII. How're the characters so far? I initially wasn't partial to any of them, except Snow seemed like he could be cool. And Hope seemed 'aight too. An enigma, that one. But now I can't stop associating "Bootylicious" with him... xD
I've succumbed. Its not bad so far, just confusing. Knowing him... actually, I have no idea... o_O
So, did you pick up XIII today like the majority of the forum? Looks like you guys need to sit down and have a talk then...
That's good. *sigh of relief* Son of a... he never told me...!
Good! I'll make sure to let BiBi know that you came through so he'll spare your life then. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's Beyonce.