I'm getting there... -_- Those jerks! Sign lanugage, huh? We don't have that in my school. The best we get to anything other than English is French and Spanish.
XP Don't worry about it. You'll really feel old when you turn 21. I did get some good classes. I have to take Algebra I before I can take Geometry. (They tried to sign me up for Geo. first though. >.<) I have biology and literature. (Bleh) but I did get sign language. ^^
Now I feel old... Hope you get good classes and not boring ones like history and insane ones like Geometry!
Haha, LAAAME! ^^ I guess older people need to sleep in later. ;P I did get a new avatar. ^^ Oh, I have to go to school now for my schedule and stuff. I'll probably be back in 2 1/2 hours. ^^
Yep! And it seems you got a new avatar!
Ralzers! ^^ Did you just wake up??
Oh? Well, why not play Pac-Man? It's mindless and not too long! (Unless you are good. -_-)
Nah, but I need a break from long games like that.
Studying? I've never really studied outside of class, and I got good grades...but I think I really better start now. =/
Well, I'll be taking a break from THAT and focus on other things...
Hmm, well it took me forever. After you gather up what you need in the world of light to save Zelda, you get transported to the world of darkness, and I think you need to get 12 new things from bosses. I forgot. I never managed to beat Wind Waker. I'm stuck at the end.
Wow... and I heard Wind Waker was the longest one... They really shoiot for games that take a week to beat!
To me, it's the second best. My favorite is A Link to the Past. That game is SO LONG! It can easily take 50~60 hours. o.o I try to complete my work in class...or in the morning before class starts.
No, but I hear that's the best game in the series, but I've always found a way to shove gaming into my schoolwork!
.....Oh....XD Have you played Ocarina of Time? I'm currently playing that one right now. ^^ Even if school is coming up, I'm sure you can work some game time in. :3