Loool at the picture on Alther's profile. x3 His eyes are pretty small. =3 Mine are twice as big. Although I have a sister who's obsessed with that band.
That's what I've been trying to get at since the start. Truce.
Now you're starting to get a bit off it, I think. In any case, truce now?
Hmm... And so... those who do not fight cannot be defeated?
I guess you could say that.
That would be unlike you to admit you're wrong, though. Still, I suppose I see. You hate losing, in the sense of being proven wrong, but you'll accept it once you, yourself, realize it.
It's fine now. I'm over it. ...You don't get it, do you? I care what other people think, but what drives me is the fact that I feel what I'm doing is right. Can I be wrong? Sure, happens all the time. But if I think I'm wrong, what's there left of me to defend myself?
...Sorry. So... you care about what other people think? But is being right all the time a good thing?
Yeah, and I wasn't yelling from the backseat, either. ._. No, I do care what other people think. I just have to have more confidence in basing my thought and decisions to be able to stand my ground when I need to--as to not let other people sway me from my real thoughts with simple words.
That's all right. At least I know why, now. That wasn't what I thought. You seemed like a guy who would express himself and not care what anyone thought. Even though human nature is important, it seemed as if you established... rules.
Well, just in the case that I was being a bastard, I'm sorry for that. I was naive back then, just wanting to be past everything so I don't have to bother with myself. But now that I know more about human nature, all that, I have to adjust with it.
Maybe? But I do see why. You just seem... so different.
...Maybe I may have been a bit of a bastard whilst telling you to be nice, though. No, it may opinion in literal definition, but I know for a fact that it's true.
I didn't know what Ethan did. I accused "someone" of the wrong things. We argued, and if I knew the truth beforehand, it would've ended better. Opinions...
I didn't. How I see it, Ethan was being an ass, Kyle got mad, you started screaming at him for wrong reasons, I told you off on that, we argued, and that led to this. I said I became better at taking it all, not that I was unfeeling.