Conversation Between Meier Link and Pete

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wait WTF did I just read you said in a different convo, you might of accidently fathered a child? Maybe I should of read more into the convo hahah.
  2. I have been doing good, just busy with life. Working like crazy, getting ready for the new kiddo, and dealing with insurance agents on top of being a husband and dad. Takes alot out of someone haha. But I am in good spirits and looking forwards to the upcoming soccer tournament.

    How have things been with you?

    I agree it has been a long time since we have talked. It needs to happen more often. As of right now I crack open a PBR in your honor!
  3. I really try my best to bring humor to these parts. Anyways, how've you been man? I haven't talked to you in a long ass time.
  4. We don't really practice... which would explain why our team went 7-17 and lost in the first round of the playoffs. We're trying to get more practices in though, but people have their own schedules and the like.
  5. How many days a week do you practice? We have practice 4 days a week from 3PM to 430PM but I only make it to 2 of them weekly.
  6. Damn, we had practice from 10-1 today, and we still didn't wind up beating the heat. I'm pretty sure I got mild heatstroke haha
  7. Oh haha I forgot I gave you that little tip heh. I am glad to see it winding down myself.

    I feel your pain with practices and all I have soccer practice tomorrow at 3:00 in the afternoon. Sucks but it is fun at the same time.
  8. haha I was talking about the elimination thread. And I wish I could be drinking right now. So dehydrated and beat from softball today
  9. Your post in ID was well said, props to that good sir.
  10. Which shenanigans are you refering to? Sorry a little tipsy right now haha. Also I drank a PBR in your honor last night haha.
  11. Thanks for the heads up good sir. Hopefully this almost 3 months of shenanigans can come to a close sooner than later
  12. happy birthday good sir!

    i hope you have yourself a good birthday drunk too. you've earned it!
  13. I will admit I am obcessed with that particular pair haha. Maybe boobies are in his genetics lmao
  14. like father like son?
  15. BTW I don't know if you noticed but I quoted you in my sig. Proly should of asked first but I am still laughing at that one.
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