It's all right, it was only a suggestion. (Youtube is always a douche.) I'm listening to it as I type. Pointless cutscene! (Her what?! I MUST KNOW!) That sucks... I want to fail too! (Yeah, yay!) I'll give you that one! How the hack does that happen?! xD Garnet has a soul. Megumi doesn't!
I was hoping to use this theme for the fight against Raleztor. (YouTube's being a douche. Type in "People Seized with Life") Its sad because its an emotional battle against someone who used to be such a good friend. All abord... (I'll tear out her... actually... that's going too far. o_O) I win at failing! (Yay, yeah!) I am teh most crazy. Number 3? That'd be cool, he's looking for Garnet, and confused Meigumi for her! 8D
Well, you obviously know the original. Where do you think that would fit. I'm not so sure, maybe when they confront Axeit or maybe when Zero is revealed to be Raleztor. Indeed I would! xD (I'll rip that pom-pom straight off!) I failed at winning! (Yeah, yay!) Are you insane! I might do one with Zorn and Thorn. Of course I won't use their real names, or maybe the Black Waltz?
This is the crappy computer with no sound. I'll give it a listen later and find the best spot for it... Where would you like it? Ride ze Shupuff? (She'll suffer a thousand deaths for the tens of thousands she's put us through!) Fail's the word. (Yay! ) I once went a whole day and 3 hours without consuming anything... well, except a few sodas. I'd definitely like to see a Sidequest one day, though. One day... maybe after all this Chronicle nonsense is sorted out... o_O
I found this AWESOME, light and soft but powerful melody of Darkness of the Unknown! Please get in the chronicle: ReMix: Kingdom Hearts II 'Duet of the Keyblade Masters' - OverClocked ReMix Shupuff! (... She will pay for making us feel inferior.) Oh. To fail. xD (You win!) ... You haven't had anything to eat for 12 hours? (I doubt that!) Gosh, this is why I don't make Chronicles... and plus I'm lazy!
SNOOOOORRRRRRE!!!! (...Well, then imagine what she'll do to me... o_O) I've been grounded SO many times... The awesome part is... they always forgot about it the next day. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Surprise. ;P) ...Nothing. (And THAT's why its teh bomb. ) I don't know. Maybe he wanted to get rid of his possession complex, but as if it changes much. As far as I saw, Fate only came into the equation in the story, and never in battle. I never once saw Alther's character flinching to control Fate, as if he's having a struggle with himself. IMO, he handled the whole Fate thing fairly poorly, and I'm going to attempt to make it all better in Chronicle V.
MUNCHLAX! (I'll defend you at least... She made me lose my dignity though.) I know! I've never been grounded or hit. I turned out just fine. To fail! (Didn't think so! xD) What did you have? *sigh* He can be annoying sometimes, and this new character? Why?
Smoochum Smooch! (This'll be loud...) AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! to fail... (I don't think so...) It is teh bomb. I assumed he'd be up and running quickly, but NO! That's just so impossible for him... He should've just let me have my way, then we'd be well on our way. Besides, from what I've read, his no character is nothing special, just a replacement from him, I don't get it... >_>
RAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA!!! (Oh, she will. I'll enjoy this!) He also has to do everything he's told, like making tea!! YouTube - Darth Vader NO! TTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can you beat that?) Wakakakaka! Sounds teh bomb. You gave him a chance to make a story and that make him the third line of our text. (The fail one!)
ESPY ESPION! (I hope she doesn't explode TOO quickly...) That should be against the law... TTTTTTTOOOOOOOOO FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAIIIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! (And that's a lot of fail ) Teh food is so delicious... It teh shizz. Well, if he had just worked with me in the first place, we'd already be well underway. By I guess its just our destiny to bicker, and now we're all in misery... >_>
WOBBAFETWOBBAFETWOBBAFETWOOOOOBBAFETTTT! (Time to tell her!) I know! =( He has a bed time! TO FAILLLLLLL! xD TEH FOOD? Is it delicious? Me too... Alther needs to hurry the heck up! We need the chronicle up!
KUPOKUPOKUPOKUPOKUPO!!! (Meigumi would kill me if she saw that. o_O) NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I need them. -_- TO FAIL! TEH Food. Oh, but it would be so perfect. The music and the ringing... Aw, its all right there, I can practically see it!
KWEHKWEHKWEHKWEHKWEH!!!!! () It was! It sounds like I sent you Adam's mum! She's the worst mum ever, too strict! I'll make you some speakers. TO FAIL! What food? That ear ringing is just in my mind at the moment.
LULULLULULULULULU!!!! () It was a... group effort. Oh no, whose mum did you send me, then!? o_O I need that computer... >_> TO FAIL! Its a LONG scene, I know, but I'm inspired... but I'll try not to, I've got some things to do... like FOOD! The scene is split between two chapters. One will be the silent part with Tsuki no Akari, with that ringing you mentioned. In the next chapter, it will show the whole scene more detailed, having Elyon and Zero starting to act.
Wakakakakakaakakakaaaaaaa! () I killed the evil, but you help! She asked you to "Make her something"?! My god, that isn't my Mum. She does say epic though! xD I'll try look for another. Cheers! You do? ALL OF IT?