Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

987 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah, then you know how great he is. Never let the other teams have him!
  2. pretty soon ill be having him
  3. You get Brother, yet? He's AMAZING in Blitzball!
  4. yeah me too
  5. That was such an addicting game. I love playing it every now and again.
  6. right now im playing blitzball on my ps2 ff x
  7. In no time, you'll have plenty to do. You might get overwhelmed! xD
  8. its totally awesome im just getting the hang of it so im pretty excited
  9. Are you enjoying yourself on the forums? Its a great little site.
  10. hi im mutitasking its pretty fun
  11. Hiya
  12. Heya! Tidus FTW!
Showing Visitor Messages 976 to 987 of 987
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