Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Yeah! Also, mind if I put my new appearance in the group?
  2. Sure! why not? And... you say...? should i find an boss theme for you?
  3. BTW, I don't know if you read the other VM (I'll go ahead and delete it but...)

    I'm Changing my appearance, OK? Where do you want me to post it? Also, I'd be honored if you could find a boss tune for me! (Not that I'd use it but, you never know!)

    Also, UNHOLY GUACAMOLE! It's your turn, and it's a grave one!
  4. Hi there! BTW it's your turn!
  5. WESA IN UBERBIG TROUBLE!!!!! And it's your turn!
  6. It's Your turn!
  7. Let the RP begin!
  8. OOPS!!!! LOL!!! I'll go fix it!
  9. Errm... You said it was your FIRST? Don't you mean second? lol.
  10. Done! I have also mailed him!
  11. DOH' I'll try to contact him, you know him though, Xanatos-444!
  12. Hmm... Right. But it must have their orginal size! And it must look like us and others. You say that someone you know can make it? Excellent! I'll be waiting for the sprites.
  13. I'm not a Spritist! I know someone who could do it though! Also, I started the next Chronical!
  14. Okay i will repeat myself. It can work! But i need of course some help. Firstly... I can't make THAT much HP for enemies or Allies. Next... I need battlers of the enemies. I want Side-View to right please.

    And i needcharsets of We. (The dark heroes) in a format like this. OR ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK!!!!

    Imageshack - mainchar1le5 - Uploaded by asdren
  15. Which one? And also, I'll get started on the 3rd one. I also invited a memeber if that's OK!
Showing Visitor Messages 961 to 975 of 1276
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