Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. o_O

    But are you 95% sure?

  2. *eats grenade* Wahahahaha! *BOOM!*

    I'm SURE!!!

    It's all right to be excited but... try calm down.
  3. >xD

    Answer the question. Are. You. SUUUUUUUURE?

    I got carried away. I was so excited about the 2-D game first, then Alther's game... >.<
  4. *sprints around chanting* Mwahahahahah! xD

    Seriously, if you're calling me stupid then I'll have to beat the crap outta ya! xD

    Of course, we did! It's our job.
  5. BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!

    Are you... really suuuuuuuuuure?

    BTW, I think we bombarded Elyon!
  6. Take this, and this! *fires rockets* Mwahahahahahaha! Doom, doom, DOOM! *twitches*

    Yeah! Are you calling me stupid?
  7. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck on this!

    Are you... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure?
  8. Lock and load, bitches! *grabs rocket launchers* Here! *gives one*

    No I don't!
  9. YAAAS! >: D

    Yes, yes you do.
  10. *gets out rocket-launcher* Want to make some schools explode?!

    Do I really need "The Final Fantasy Forums" everywhere I click?
  11. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! That is so cruel! D8<

    Maybe... o_O
  12. Yeah it is, and it happens in every school in England... I know it's a ****ing rip-off! I'm as pissed as you are and I only have 2 weeks to hand in my paper telling them where I will be working! I'll burn the ass-holes with you! (I don't care, do what you wish!)

    They don't exactly look good, in fact, are they there for idiots?
  13. Wait, this is an assignment? What a rip-off! D8< Where's your school? I'm going to burn some bitches! (Pardon the language... But that sucks!)

    Well... I still have no idea why they exist... but they're there to look pretty? oO
  14. I... know... =( (I can't say I'm staying at home, you HAVE to do this or face expulsion...)

    Really, well I noticed them and thought about it... but then I thought they were just happening to me but I thought I'd ask you anyway.
  15. ...Not... paid... at... all... o_O (Say you're staying home. Screw dat! D8<)

    Those are on every page now. Yours, mine, Fate's all the threads, and the forum itself. I don't know why they're there. I was wondering when you'd ask about that! I thought you might've already knew! xD
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