Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

1276 Visitor Messages

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  1. You simply need to ensuree that no one comes to Fate's Assistance!
  2. I will of course help you. Just tell me how i can be for assistance.
  3. Lord Alther! I need help! Fate is attempting to take over my castle!
  4. Rest in Pieces!
  5. Hah! This is nothing, NOTHING!!
    enjoy your glorious defeat!
  7. Ya turn
  8. Your turn!
  9. Oki.
  10. I made a post in the group you might want to see.
  11. Nice dude.
  12. Check out my Avvy! Also, the pic is in and I have 3 or 4 new themes that I'm claiming! I guess that Angels are gonna find it hard to kill me! Yours, which isn't bad, but I found a coupl;e of other wicked oes! (If you want we could share one! They can be found at blue Laguna's archive!)

    Chaos Legion- Bloody truth Theme music of Delacroix -1st-
    Chaos Legion- Be killed again Theme music of Delacroix -2nd-
    Devil May Cry- Super Ultra-Violet
  13. I found one Badass epic music! Did you know that this music is ranked 5th place of epicness? Well... here it is! YouTube - Grandia II OST - FIGHT!! Version #4 ~ The Final Battle
  14. Sure you can! *Smiles*
  15. Done! Your turn!
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