You simply need to ensuree that no one comes to Fate's Assistance!
I will of course help you. Just tell me how i can be for assistance.
Lord Alther! I need help! Fate is attempting to take over my castle!
Rest in Pieces!
Hah! This is nothing, NOTHING!!
OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE, THAT'S GOTTA HURT!! enjoy your glorious defeat!
Ya turn
Your turn!
I made a post in the group you might want to see.
Nice dude.
Check out my Avvy! Also, the pic is in and I have 3 or 4 new themes that I'm claiming! I guess that Angels are gonna find it hard to kill me! Yours, which isn't bad, but I found a coupl;e of other wicked oes! (If you want we could share one! They can be found at blue Laguna's archive!) Chaos Legion- Bloody truth Theme music of Delacroix -1st- Chaos Legion- Be killed again Theme music of Delacroix -2nd- Devil May Cry- Super Ultra-Violet
I found one Badass epic music! Did you know that this music is ranked 5th place of epicness? Well... here it is! YouTube - Grandia II OST - FIGHT!! Version #4 ~ The Final Battle
Sure you can! *Smiles*
Done! Your turn!