Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. But I wasn't going to punch you. Period. *tries moving arms* Argg...

    You're not worthy of my friendship, though you have it.
  2. I went into the future and intercepted you blow. Thusly, you will be unable to move your arms for the next two hours! xD

    You're not worthy of my perfection. >_>
  3. What the heck did you block? I didn't go to attack you.

    I know, but do it again!
  4. *blocks* I weenz! 8D

    I already did. If you look back, the code is the exact same.
  5. *sniggers* You think you've won! I'll destroy you, pip squeak! (I know, I meant that me breaking your toe was random! xD)

    Repeat that back to me, without using Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V... I'm pretty sure.
  6. MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! (I win, incase you didn't catch that.)

    I'm 105.5823758123065321095236510768974965150765759205 62597246521857679816249582375979836958120520541531 26526345321546951358349751235326423152307832596329 84652194871532094712065240123520153421854206512436 71023940960359103497635173214153710986359239352856 72938794758463812963643633156645135276344537651372 47362751347331347153464337125311873451748155374513 35841324718043968520565963204829429835798573957309 60265342395873450316537425345982376572368975623943 5635065012101053605187506398791513648160%+ sure about that. But... are YOU sure...?
  7. What are you laughing at?! I'll snap your toe... (Random).

    Well, extreme measures will have to be taken then! *gets out ruler* You sure that you want to say no?
  8. Hah.

  9. No, I'm not that sure...

  10. Then I suppose you wouldn't be 105.6789508495723485092387031511851384348061385731 24947340829589875093523693893598634985726345697618 96819273895618957897698761897689798169878978913679 85719837398613837469805105123505517645156234512352 20410231723405692305249340930390340694564564565645 65165486531217319379439713749598531972326514557364 53175124366459165576173551184556816531645816556603 91561452965639668516915669126612651955662915765916 565275963165156659631895796156956964567532566160% sure, either?

  11. I guess not...

  12. So, you AREN'T 105% sure?

  13. Maybe...

    Are you going to calm it?
  14. Ah, but are you 105% sure?

  15. ...

    No, 100%...

    xD You better calm down!
Showing Visitor Messages 931 to 945 of 2228
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