Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. I remember once going there in Standard Mode at about Level 15... I got owned. I'm Level 22, and I'll be a LOT more careful. I hope it makes the difference... >_> (I need to level a lot of this playthrough. Also, I'm especially worried about Space Paranoids Visit II, when you go to fight the MCP. That battle on the glider, where you have to stop the Heartless... I wonder if I can do it... <_<)

    That's not a bad thing. We all need a child character who grows and becomes stronger!
  2. Yeah, but I love how both of them go through my Potions, all I hear every 5 secs is "Donald!" "Goofy!" ... -_-'' SO ANNOYING! But then again, it's annoying if you get on low health! *beep beep beep* So I like to have Mega-Potions on everyone! I just went through the Timeless River, I think you mean the burning building and the crazy car heartless!

    I knew it! I'm the only feminine sounding person here...
  3. Donald is probably going to be useful with that Cure of his. He was until I learned Cure officially anyway. Potions are nice, but they aren't as reliable as Cure. Right now, I'm off to see Merline before going to Timeless River. I remember one of the four doors being a particurarly difficult battle... I don't know what to expect.

    I probably will! xD
  4. I guess so, but I just find Donald useless, period. I like using a lot of limits anyway so it's good to switch Donald around.


    I bet you don't, you'll sound older that Fate! xD
  5. I switch my characters according to the level. In the case of Beast's Castle, Donald is basically useless, so Goofy replaces him. In Pirates of the Caribbean, however, Goofy will get the boot, as the pirates are very vulnerable to magic. Different things for different situations.

    I'm 16, so I CAN sound like Sora, just not quite... :/
  6. I knew I was good but wow! (Normally I use the aerial and Thunder combos when in Master Form, right now I'm in Pirates of the Carribean. I might start again on Proud Mode. I leveled up all my forms to full at the moment!) (Donald isn't that good so I replace him with the level's character.)

    *eats* Yum!

    I'll try to get one, but my mum's being quite stingy! I'll get her to give me money though, soon! Also, I have no experience with Voice Acting and I sound like a 10 year old, as you well know!
  7. (I was always afraid. But then I heard about how easy the game is even on Proud Mode... So far so easy! Actually, I've been abusing aerial combos and Blizzard. Aerial comboes are fast and reliable, and Blizzard is useful from a distance. So far, I haven't died! (But Donald did, twice! )

    *gives a cookie*

    ...I don't have a phone, but my parents do... But I want good quality, so I might have to get a microphone... >_>
  8. Oh yeah! That's how amazing I am! xD (Haha! You've only just tried Proud Mode? Well to be honest, I haven't! )

    Awww, you're too kind! *blushes*

    Well, you can use your mobile phone! You just record, I'm sure that there is a option in Control Panel!
  9. Holy crap, you guessed right! o_O (22 is the level for Sora. I'm playing my first time through Proud Mode. )

    That was something good to hear, Vivi. Its sincere, same as you.

    BTW, I need a microphone for recording voices right? How does that work? (Just incase I manage to do this! xD)
  10. 22... Hmm. (My Sora is this level on my new save on KH:CoM! Wierd ) I choose you, 42!

    I don't have a clue... It wasn't a fight, I just felt like saying it. Plus, it's the truth.
  11. 22. (The same level I am as Sora right now in KHII! ) Between 30 and 50.

    Where did that come from? Were you having a fight?
  12. 68?

    Money? No, it was a conversation that I started...

    "Do you understand how much I actually would cry if you left me... I've grown so attracted and attached to you all. I know it sounds silly and quite stupid but if I saw you now, I'd treat you as a real brother. I love you guys."
  13. 54. Between 22 and 89.

    Wait, what conversation? Is he plotting to steal my money again!? D8<
  14. What did I do it the past?! All right, I'll just relax. I guess 73.

    Of course I need you! I was just talking to Fate about how much I'd miss you guys if you left... So, yeah, I need you!
  15. Whoops... I looked into the PAST! Oh! Uh... sorry, it wears off in two hours, though! So... guess a number between 1 and 100?

    Are you saying... you don't need me?
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