Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

959 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey dude.

    It's your turn!
  2. There we go.
  3. Ya turn.
  4. Hey, No prob.
  5. There. Sorry, I was a little preoccupied.
  6. Did i tell you it's your turn?
  7. Im swift!

    Ya turn again.
  8. Completed my turn.
  9. Im quick!

    Your turn again.
  10. It's your turn at the castle again.
  11. All taken care of.
  12. Yo, Ralzy.

    It's your turn at the castle.
  13. Ryu summons us for a meeting.
  14. Well, you beat him. But everything has a consequence...
  15. It was not neccessary...
Showing Visitor Messages 916 to 930 of 959
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