Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Yep. I read about that. But luckily, it's going to be PSP. =D

    Heh-heh, I have the BB Codes memorized for Bold, Italicize, Underline, Image, Link, Spoiler, Center, Color, Size, and Strikethrough, since I only use those. =P

    Oh? Care to share?
  2. Oh yeah, another thing. I found an interesting glitch in Dissidia today!
  3. Oh yeah. Did you know that game was initially planned for mobile?

    Thanks, I'll TRY to remember that... -_-
  4. You're forgetting one. What about Agito? That's bound to come out some time soon.

    And Ralz, if you want to insert a picture in your sig, don't put the URL in the box, just put the URL in between [IMG][/IMG] in oyur sig.
  5. Yeah, we're all getting hit with a Triple-Threat here. So4 for PS3, FF XIII, Versus XIII, your Resonance of Fate... the works... and Birth by Sleep pretty soon...
  6. That's blasphemy. Tri-Ace will NOT be bought any time soon.

    I never bothered to buy myself a DS; no games I wanted. I could buy one, but I really should be saving money now. >.<
  7. Surprised Squeenix hasn't bought tri-Ace, yet.

    Buy it!
  8. They totally stole it from tri-Ace!

  9. Ahem. Darth Vad-- I mean Xemnas had what I originally called Aerial Blades. Oh well, guess Squeenix can't go two minutes wihout inserting Ethereal into everything...

    Did you get it yet?
  10. Pfft. Those lightsaber things were ethereal blades? =P
  11. FUN. HAPPY. ROXAS. What more do you need?

    Oh yeah, guess what Xemnas' weapons REALLY were. Go ahead.

    ...Ethereal Blades! =O
  12. How's the game? (I want Resonance of Fate!)
  13. Hey Fate, I purchases 358/2 Days today! I'm VERY happY I'm so happy, I can't even spell happy right!
  14. What, already? Aww, bye!
  15. Meanwhile, I'll be in a bed. Night.
Showing Visitor Messages 901 to 915 of 4705
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