Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

258 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, it wasn't really on. I'm talking to people MSN too and plus, I thought I replied to you a moment ago.
  2. Sorry I didn't mean to make you mad please forget what I said
  3. What the heck man! If you're going to be like that, forget it!
  4. I take it Fate or Ralz isn't on anymore so I am your next option
  5. I was just curious... :/
  6. Ok then why did you ask I wasn't hiding anything just like to change things up a bit
  7. I wasn't saying that...
  8. There I put it back on see man I thought it wouldn't matter
  9. Why'd you take your age off?
  10. I took off my age no my birthday is still the same I am not gonna lie about that I think that would be stupid
  11. You sure? It looks like it changed somewhat.
  12. No I don't think so I still think it says March 10
  13. Your birthday changed?
  14. Can we talk more I need a Intellegent conversation
  15. Its Nova now I already started
Showing Visitor Messages 76 to 90 of 258
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