Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. You're just in time. The next demo is just on its way.
  2. Yeah, nice to be back and whatever else. =)
  3. Ah, excellent. Crisis averted, then. Welcome aboard...

  4. Fine, I'll stick around. *sigh* That's basically the thing from the start, isn't it? xD

    All righty.
  5. You don't really need to do anything. No one comes to the group anymore. Meigumi's off procrastinating, and Alther hasn't been heard from in months.

    If you stick around, you just might be able to be a tester of the game. We were about to put the finishing touches on Nova, as well.
  6. I just have no connection here anymore. It's kinda stupid to continue with the character, isn't it? I would love to carry on with him but with my page on the fritz and everyone being at SOU and the lack of development in the group... I'm not sure. >_>
  7. You want Nova to be dropped? And he was so close to getting in the final party, too...

    Oh well, it is disappointing, but I can drop the word to Elyon. We appreciate your service and wish you well.
    ~ Ralz, Vice President of Chaosthroph
  8. I wish to be removed from COC, please?
  9. Only as Ven and Aqua, because they have "invincibility frames." I've tried about 5999999 times with Terra, but you need pretty much heaven-bound luck to beat MF. I can write a whole essay describing my findings on this douche. Seriously, 1-hit kills are getting really old.

    I'm up for meeting new people.

    What difficulty are you playing? If its Proud, you just need to beat all three files and Final Episode. If you're playing Standard... you're going to have to beat the game 100%, pretty much.
  10. Have you managed to beat him yet?

    Thanks a lot. I have a friend to show you, too. I think you might like him.

    Oh, and do you have any idea how to unlock the secret ending. I'm pondering to myself how to get it.
  11. Vanitas Remnant CAN be fun when you figure out his pattern. But MF is just insanity.

    I'll try and see if I can catch you on Chat sometime. Don't worry about Fate. If he keeps us his end of the bargain...
  12. Ralz, if you get this. Come to chat whenever possible. Preferably without Fate being online. I need to speak with you personally.
  13. Already found that out! xD But thanks for that.

    Oh, I've faced him, too! He's... SO HARD! And, Ethereal blades and a hood, huh?....
  14. Anyone can fight him by going to the Badlands at the Keyblade Graveyard. Its not canon, so that's how the other character's can face him.

    Mysterious Figure. After beating VS, go to the Land of Departure for a near-impossible fight. Good luck.
  15. I don't understand how you fight him as other people... I've only fought him as Aqua and I cartwheeled and blocked like crazy!

    Who's MF and why does he scare me? =(
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