Conversation Between LIGHTNING_71013 and Ethan Blitzball King

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. i thank you for making it for me...i'm going to use it for my facebook, its cool.
  2. So you gonna put it on your profile sorry it took so long
  3. wait...srry where do i open it again...i lost it!!!!
  4. thanks so much. its fantastic.
  5. Here it is
  6. I left for work sorry what do you want autographed and by who????
  7. sure, that'll be cool. hey so what happened to you?
  8. Hahaha I am Tidus hahaha I could make one for you as well if you want
  9. LOL. is that tidus' signature on the blitzball? thats kind of neat.
  10. but after boxing day its $10.00
  11. just go and buy one...i bought mine for $3.00 on a boxing day sale
  12. Yeah I wish I had a poster of Tidus that would be cool
  13. oh cool. i like tidus too and i have everyones posters.
  14. I like 3people Rikku from FF x and Tidus from FF x and Vanille from FF 13
  15. i dont know. i really like her determination and her strong interior. and her looks match her compatibly. how about you? other than blitzball who do you like?
Showing Visitor Messages 76 to 90 of 108
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