No I got everything concerning lexis thanks alot I want an explaination of that paragraph I refered to and what do they mean when they say the limitations of grammatical descriptions? thanks again I will go back for the links and try to read them
Hey Himi! Sorry if That last question wasn't fully answered with that link I gave you. I was in a hurry and didn't have the time to prof read the whole thing to see if it would have answered your question exactly the way you needed it. We can continue when I get back on tonight. Peace! Edited!
Hey Himi! Sorry if that Link for that last question didn't help to much! I was in a hurry, so I didn't read the whole thing. I will be back on later, and we can finish were we left off though (If you still need the help). Peace!
Woow learning languages is interesting anyway , since you love the language itself you will aquire it easily , to tell the truth I regreted watching japanese anime coz out of sudden I found myself has got lots of japanese vocab and I can build sentences either and understand most of their speech then I just stop to imagin if all those eposides were with English voices then how much better I would have been in English! I honestly appreciate it for you like to learn my language and If you want any help oneday (after aquiring German I will be always here^_* , by the way have you ever heard Arabic speech , I mean our language do you have any idea how does it look like ? Good luck and hope you be proffetional in German language bye
Its cool when I posted in your "I'm new one" thread I didn't realize it was 6 months old I could use some more schooling on the subject, and I can't speak Spanish fluently, but I'm getting better. There are a bunch of languages I would like to learn, Arabic being one of them. I really want to learn German, so I can go to Germany and catch up with some relatives of mine. Yea i was going to join this march, but they are only offering Fast start classes since summer is coming up. (Fast start= Where you finish a class in 6 weeks instead of six months) So I might jump into College algebra and their game design program they have this summer just to keep myself busy. Then when college starts back up get myself enrolled part-time. Thanks for popping by Himi Peace!
Hello Eric I'm really sorry I didn't noticed that friends are commenting on my old I'm new one thread and I've just seen your comments Thanks you said that about my language I'm really happy and welcome to Texas people all ^_^ heheh you know Sapnish ? , alright spanish has got 600 word derived from Arabic language but I can't understand Spanish at all Want to learn Arabic you'r more than welcomed Since you are ready for college hope you spend interesting time there and manage to fulfil your dreams Thanks again see you soon
Thanks , well we mostly don't like winter season though it's not as cold as yours but no way i'de fall for winter , we don't have snow either but it snows in the north and I really pity them , thus I'm impatiently waiting for summer ^_^
No problem, I am glad to help! Yea the weather has been good here to, like in the 80's which is still not warm enough but I am happy. If it drops below 70 my skinny ass is freezing lol. Enjoy your day!! Peace!
I am fine since the weather around here is pretty good thanks for your encouragement sure I'll keep learning about the comma , haha i myself felt there is sth wrong but you are the first member who comments on my language from the first message ! Heheh , that's delighting to have some notes from you friends....
Hey...I am doing great thank you! How about yourself? Thanks for the picture comment by the way! I see a big improvement in your writing, keep up the good work! The only thing i see in your sentences that needs to be changed is your commas. Example: Oh, I like the pic of the brother and his younger sister, nice family ^_^ (Like this) Other then that your doing really good!!
Hi there is it going ? nice to have new friends around here but since I don't usually have time to visit the forum i just keep talking with friends in here, Oh , I like the pic of the brother and his younger sister , nice family ^_^