Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. I finished Stone of Tears this morning and am moving on to the next book in the series, Blood of the Fold. I've read the series before but a co-worker got me interested in reading the series over.
  2. They seem exciting but never heard of them .
  3. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind.
  4. Some stories by Johnny Wheeler like Dragons lair , Dream Merchant , Mortal Heart ,The stranger in the rain and The Arabian Nights by Andrew Lang .What are you reading currently?
  5. Ah, oh well. Which stories did you download?
  6. Thank you .keep the love of the family because they can't be replaced by anyone.
    I thank your suggestion as well but I don't prefer that kind of fiction .I downloaded some short stories for different writers under diverse categories so now I must keep myself occupied with them.
    شكراً جزيلاً لك
  7. My condolences on your grandfather passing. I have yet to experience any of my grandparents' death and do not look forward to that eventuality. Because I have known them for all my life, 23 years, it will be harder when they go.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the Tell-Tale Heart. If you continue to like horror stories than I would suggest reading H.P. Lovecraft, another horror fiction writer.
  8. Hey Zargabaath , glad to hear that a hard worker guy is having a new pleasing job . In fact the last two weeks were kinda bleak ones or worst .I attended different exams and I'm looking for a job . A few hours after one of the tests I took I received bad news about my grandpa which was his death . I never thought that will affect me that much , in his funeral I was crying like a baby though I hate crying in front of others but there was no way to look strong in times like these .Sometimes I can't think that he is no longer alive ,but as little sis said people disappear from life to live in hearts.
    I managed to read the tell tale heart and other short stories . Poe's one shows nothing but how desperate that writer was which makes him the leader of gothic fiction , I read that even no one knows how he died ! drugs ..self killing or alcohol ? unknown
    Despite of the madness of that killer I loved the way of narrating his story and feelings .
    The worst part which I hated when he cut of his body parts and concealed the corpse of his victim . I think this shouldn't be considered as a real literary work or art when going to describe something disguising like that though I loved the ending when everything was revealed . To be honest when I read sth of any writer I try to relate his work to his character or you can say sneak to know more about him through his writings and I knew him well now . To think tht he was the first writer who described what was going in a murderer's mind is enough to make him unique. still I have the Raven which was the biggest reason behind his fame .Thanks you drew my attention to an interesting writer.
  9. Haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been?

    I'm starting my new job next week, though I will probably make them mad. I'm taking some college courses over the summer, help me catch up for when I was a bit lazy. A few of my classes are during the same time my shifts would be. The job is part time and I have four days I can work: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. Each shift being 8 paid hours, times that by 4 and it is 32 hours for the week. Close to full-time so I don't see too much of a problem. I'll have a nice schedule though so I could still have some time for my friends and whatnot when I'm free.
  10. I would say I haven't read most of those people. There are some authors books I have read. I just gave a list of well respected authors that I feel should be able to help you in your endeavor.
  11. You don't have to worry coz reading is certainly going to help me get a better score , but If I am to take the exam I know what to study .Now are these writers your favorite ? when I asked I meant the books you recently read and loved but thanks quick good answer . I studied the great Gatsby last year and he is really great ^^
    Thanks a lot
  12. Honestly, I could not suggest books that would at least help you get a better score the next time you take the IELTS. Why I say this is because I do not know if they would help, but it is said that reading in general helps the vocabulary of the reader so with some exception most books would work.

    Whatever books or authors I do suggest I would not want them to be too difficult that it does not help you nor too easy which would also not help. I'll suggest authors and books to read coming up. With the authors you can choose what of theirs to read. Here are my suggestions:

    Michael Crichton [Author]
    Harry Turtledove [Author]
    The Unincorporated Man [Book] by Dani Kollin & Eytan Kollin
    J.R.R. Tolkien [Author]
    Michael Moorcock [Author]
    The Great Gatsby [Book] by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    John Steinbeck [Author]
    Ernest Hemmingway [Author]
    Herman Melville [Author]
    Nathaniel Hawthorne [Author]
    H.P. Lovecraft [Author]
    Frank Herbert [Author]
    Charles Dickens [Author]
    Robert A. Heinlein [Author]
    The Hunger Games [Book] by Suzanne Collins
    The Giver [Book] by Lois Lowry

    That's all I got for now. Hope it is helpful. Good pick on the Tell Tale Heart. That is one of my favorite works by Poe.
  13. Then good luck in your jobs. I think you can make it.
    Anyway I received my result of the IELTS exam and it might seem funny even pathetic that my score in writing was only 4 out of 9 hahahaha. I knew I'm not that good but even not very bad . I decided to intensify my efforts in reading and I want your suggestions on what books to read at least to get better score next time I take it , I already downloaded some short stories on my Galaxy ,your Tell Tale Hearts is one of them and some Vampire stories , I found the language so easy and smooth unlike the stories I studied back in college. So anything you recommend ? I want some interesting books to download .
  14. I'm applying to different jobs to get a better job, a job that will allow me to move out because eventually I will be no longer welcome in my home so to speak. I think Sandstorms can be just as dangerous in as tornadoes. Almost every region in the world has some natural disaster that affects more than normal.

    I'm not an expert in tornadoes, but I think during the summer time is tornado season but Virginia doesn't get many tornadoes. There is a section in the U.S. that is called Tornado Alley because of how prevalent tornadoes are in the region.

    When a tornado is nearby the steps to insure safety is to get some place low and without any windows nearby - like a closet. A tub is another alternative place to stay. In the Tornado Alley region I believe a lot of people have storm cellars, an underground bunker, on their property that they go to during severe weather particularly tornadoes.
  15. Sounds interesting ! why do you have to apply to different jobs by the way ? are you seeking perfection in specific fields for example or gathering money for a project ?anyway I liked that kind of jobs besides along with your sister which would make it quite good .About the storm you know that we never had that scary thing which would show how brave you people to live and adapt it ,we actually have sand storms that would burry us .The white ground takes the color of the sand and the dirt is all around though we have just swept the floor , the windows are shaking right now and it's sort of madness to get outside . I wanted to know things like was it something you already expected to have this time of the year in this spot or it was new ?How do you deal with it to protect yourselves not houses coz I saw the ruins of some sticks and I really felt sorry .At any rate this world is awfully changing .
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