I'm doing pretty well today. Thanks for asking. How about you? =) Hmm, by "English," you mean that it's just used naturally in English and such, right? If that's the case, then yes, there are many English idioms. For example, "A little bird told me," is used often when the person doesn't want to reveal where he or she received his or her information from. =)
Hi dear friend ? How are you today and how's school? I'm on a hurry , I have a question and hopefully you will help me ... Is there such an English idiom ( strike the problems )?
Hehe, me, too. ^__^ I'll see you later, Himi~!
Yes Japan is amazing too .. I'm realy glad by this conversation ... take care friend see you soon ^_^
My first, and main, language takes its roots from the Chinese language, too, I heard. And I know that a lot of languages have their origins from Latin, but no one bothers learning Latin anymore. Haha. I've always wanted to go to Japan the most out of the the Asian countries. =)
We even didn't know much about American history either but we study ours and we have to , but since you are interested in such topics you will find it awesome to read about others history , Yes exactly , I once heared that japanese language has taken it's origins from Chinese language ..may be the way of writing . I like it really and I wish to have a chance to visit china , donno why !
Actually, the Arabic history hasn't ever been mentioned in what I learn at school, since the U.S. has...you know, limited branches: just England, Spain, and France, mostly. I'm not the biggest fan of history, either, but it's nice knowing some interesting stuff. =D I know that a lot of Asian languages derived from...was it the Chinese language?
haha , I think we're going to move toward history ,you might know about the Arabic existence in Spanish , we made a dazzling civilization there , that way the two languages met and the Spanish language was effected by that existence thus it takes some words from ours ... huh I love history either ^_^
Ah, so Spanish and Arabic have somewhat similar origins? I never knew that. In school I'm taking German for my language, actually. I didn't like Spanish so much, and I never liked French, either.
You're right , concerning Spanish language I only know it contains 600 of It's words taken from Arabic language
Oh, I know how that feels. Actually, I think that holds true for all "new" languages. But after getting used to it for a little bit, you'll notice that you begin talking "fast," too. =P The Spanish language talks really fast, though.
Thanks , but my problem is that I feel native speakers speak tooooo fast , I can't even catch the idea they're talking about , that drives me crazy really
Well, I would say that you can consider your knowledge of a language to be "fluent" when you can carry on a conversation with someone. Since it's happening now, I think you can say you're fluent enough with English. =D
eeeeerm , not exactly , I need to learn more , but I really find it intersting to learn other languages , I have few japanese and korean words , Indian and I like that really , but right now my mother tongue is Arabic
Haha, thanks. ^_^ Aren't you bilingual, too, though?